Old habits die hard, but thereā€™s Reddiquette which needs to be revived, and some which needs to die.

Many ā€œgolden-ageā€ redditors remember a time when downvoting was reserved for hostility, not a different opinion. For the sake of our growing community I would like to implore everyone to be awesome to each other.

However, this place is not Reddit.

  • We donā€™t measure in bananas here.
  • We donā€™t need to append ā€œedit: typoā€ to edited posts and comments.
  • if you see something which is worthy of a downvote: down vote and move on! Donā€™t engage with it and feed the algorithm/engament machine so other people are exposed to it when sorting by active.

Showing the reason you edit a post isnā€™t dumb, its to give a valid reason so people donā€™t think you edited to make someones response look bad. Saying its for context, adding a word or whatever just shows you didnā€™t edit it maliciously.

The whole ā€œedit: thanks for gold and I canā€™t believe my most upvoted comment was about editing!ā€ can go away for sure though


Holy shit agreed. The ā€œthanks for le kind gold strangerā€ shit makes me want to fucking cut my throat. Some shit im begging to stay on leddit. All the shit on /r/circlejerk for example.

Edit: le thanks for the gold kind stranger


This argument never really made sense to me. Anyone who is being deceptive is not going to tell people theyā€™re editing their comments.

Itā€™s the result of nothing more than a moral panic. There arenā€™t roving bands of keyboard warriors rolling around making comments and then editing them to make others look stupid.

And even if there were, they could just include ā€œedit: typoā€ and get away with it. Unless someone takes screenshots.

I think it says more about the community that everyone is expected to prove their innocence. Letā€™s have a little faith in each other, weā€™re better than that.

It makes sense to me and Iā€™ve been editing comments this way since the early 2000ā€™s. For some, itā€™s a cultural practice thatā€™s probably decades old.

If the platform didnā€™t state the comment was edited, I probably wouldnā€™t bother but if it does, there is always a thought at the back of the readerā€™s mind about what happened. Leaving a note about editing negates the thought. Leaving pointless edits less so.

I find it more ethical and transparent, particularly in discussion threads where debates are being held.


I get it as a cultural thing, but it makes no sense epistemologically.

An unethical person would not state they changed their comment, and a malicious person would state their edit was mundane. Those two factors alone render the practice of proving your innocence in advance moot.

I think itā€™s sad that people reflexively assume the worst. I used to engage in some heated debates on Reddit, but I was never accused of, or assumed the other person edited their posts to make me look bad. It seems like paranoid behaviour to me.

Strangely enough, if it became the norm to correct typos without stating it, the default assumption would be that the edit was a typo correction.

I didnā€™t downvote you.

I agree but like the premise of the argument is that there is trust issues, a edited reason makes it more trustworthy on a scale rather than nothing. I agree with that usually typos donā€™t require a reason but reddit? gave you 5? mins before an edited notification was placed on the comment for that reason.

Bad actors are always going to act bad.

I donā€™t even think downvotes need to exist to counter other aspects of the OP. I would rather a statement as to why this was a bad comment or post so as to make it a learning experience, an educational tool rather than a down arrow that could mean anything. Iā€™ve been downvoted for adding relevant posts to the community I manage. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Was it the content? Someone holding a grudge? What?

As I just replied to another user, paraphrasing this: downvotes might be perceived as the community self-policing, but if you visit r/vegan youā€™ll see how that can make a community hostile. Iā€™m a vegan and I canā€™t fucking stand that place. If you have an alternative opinion, prepare to wind up on the top of controversial, where the mob has a field day.

I think some subā€™s had the right idea by limiting the lower voting karma to 0. Another downside is it essentially paints a target for the community before an individual has formed an opinion. It generate the hive mind we should be avoiding.

In that case, downvotes should be invisible. The sorting algorithm can see them but people canā€™t.

I donā€™t believe that tiny communities and instances should have them on until a threshold is reached and they become ā€œsortableā€.

Being visible is an aggressive moderation tool. It doesnā€™t foster discussion. reddit devolved into downvote heavy as time went on and I hated it, most of the time it didnā€™t make sense why things were downvoted. They work better for memes and pics, not comments (unless they are horrible) and discussions. Bad actors use the downvote for bad acting.

I got nothing more to say, you hit the nail on the head.

It reminds me of grading movies. If someone says to me its an 8/10, that is useless information. If they tell me it has some action, Iā€™m intruged. Then they tell me itā€™s a Marvel movie, and I lose all interest.

However, I will say that it was entertaining as fuck to see /u/spezā€™s comment karma tank - but heā€™s not really a member of the reddit community, just the warden hearing the prisoners shout ā€œfuck you!ā€ before starting a riot and a partial breakout.

Youā€™re being really thoughtful and this is a good discussion.

I read through all the other comments and Iā€™m disagreeing with a few other viewpoints from others pretending like aggressive downvoting/brigading is an individualā€™s problem.

Perhaps a feature request to Lemmy could be an option. Rather than a binary choice.

Votes as is, upvotes visible/downvotes not visible but measured, up/down not visible but measured, no downvotes, no votes at all.

Discussion instances could work around what works best for sorting and discussion, general could work whatā€™s best for them etc.

Forums didnā€™t have upvotes for years and it worked just fine.

Its a much better discussion than the one Iā€™m having elsewhere, thatā€™s for sure. I sure do love being strawmanned. I was hoping it would be more than a week before I encountered this lol.

Thatā€™s the problem with having an opinion.

Are you bring downvoted heavily? Thatā€™s the only way I know to know if I agree with you or not.

Iā€™m only slightly in the negative numbers. So youā€™re completely justified in starting from a place of skepticism.

Come back later. Once I reach -5 you can be vindicated in knowing that you were right all along.

Itā€™s not about being right cause I donā€™t know what right is. The downvotes tell me if youā€™re wrong, thatā€™s different. I can then feel safe.

These posts are sarcasm, by the way. Dont start downvoting, people!


Youā€™re absolutely right. When the upvotes are high on a post I have a different opinion about, that just means theyā€™re all suffering from mass delusion.

These posts are NOT sarcasm. These are sincerely held beliefs and would (and will) be regarded as admissible evidence in court.

Treevan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

I might try turning off ā€œScoresā€ in the settings so I can rawdog my feelings onto others posts and comments.

Itā€™s a brave new world.

Edit: Did it. I literally do not know what to think.


Fuck yea cant, raw dawg those comments ya raw dawg, shit cant, dawg cant

(BTW this is not hostile, this is just how us Aussies talk to each other, itā€™s a sign of endearment)

I like the ā€œedit:ā€ append if I edited something, just to make it clear for whoever comes later.

Whatā€™s the problem with it?


We donā€™t need to append ā€œedit: typoā€ to edited posts and comments.

I didnā€™t do that because it was reddit etiquette. I did it because people can see I edited my post, and I would like them to be able to see why


Why tell them you fixed typos? Whatā€™s the point?

Iā€™ve edited my comments for years to fix typos and clarify statments, and I never once had anyone accuse me of being disingenuous.

And even if they did, thatā€™s their, and their conspiratorial mindā€™s problem.


Because otherwise people donā€™t know why I edited the post. Did I change my opinion? Did I add some context or detail I missed the first time around? Or did I just fix a typo? A reason just makes it easy for people to have more context

Thatā€™s the thing though, itā€™s a paradox.

Anyone who is considerable enough to use ā€œedit:ā€ for legitimate reasons would not be the people who would be deceptive and change their posts to reflect a new opinion.

ā€œedit: typoā€ is essentially just a defense against an imaginary accusation that you were being malicious.

By all means, edit posts to include extra information as an appendage, but closing with ā€œedit: added infoā€ is not very helpful.


You misunderstand. Iā€™m not doing it so that people know that I made a legit edit, Iā€™m doing it so people know what the legit edit I made is.

but closing with ā€œedit: added infoā€ is not very helpful.

Who is doing that or arguing for that? Vague edit descriptions arenā€™t terribly useful, and Iā€™m not claiming otherwiseā€¦

Okay I get you. I thought you were literally typing ā€œedit: typoā€, as opposed to something like ā€œedit: she was my sisters friendā€

I guess we both misunderstood each other lol. I wasnā€™t implying that was your argument, itā€™s just something I find annoying.


I mean, it depends on the context.

Did I make a post, have a lot of people get upset because I worded my post poorly? In which case, a I might make a clarifying edit like ā€œedit: she was my sisters friendā€ so that future people that see my post donā€™t get confused.

Did I accidentally type ā€œthereā€™sā€ instead of ā€œtheirsā€? Iā€™d probably just edit it with ā€œedit: typoā€. Not because people care if I made a typo, but because I want people to know that it wasnā€™t the first type of edit


I agree the context is important, and the examples of rewriting large paragraphs justify clarification, both for new people and returning.

But the original point I made was that you donā€™t need to post ā€œedit: typoā€ here on Lemmy. We donā€™t have edited post/comment tags, so nobody would know if itā€™s just typos

Itā€™s really not that big of a deal anyway, I was just thinking of redundant examples of Rediquete to drum up the conversation.


Posts show as edited in many 3rd party apps and on other platforms

Edit - And in Lemmy too!



FYI, I can also see an edit to your previous post too, directly in Lemmy!

Oh shit.


It was a really embarrassing mistake and Iā€™m sorry I ever said it.



That part I canā€™t see. Only that you edited it :)

I think itā€™s polite to tell what you have changed when you edit a post as long as the platform does not have edit history visible (which as far as I can tell Lemmy does not).


If you add more context to your comment then sure mention it. But I donā€™t think itā€™s required for typos.

The algorithm?


I wondered the same. There are ā€œHotā€ and ā€œActiveā€ categories on the front page but Iā€™m not sure how they work. Perhaps commenting pushes a post further up the ā€œActiveā€ feed?


This is my impression too. I see day-old posts with new comments on refresh, so Iā€™m assuming youā€™re right. Maybe algorithm isnā€™t the right word, but you get what I mean.

It is in fact an algorithm because itā€™s choosing what posts to put in front of you based on multiple criteria (time since it was posted, votes/number of comments/time since last comment). They are relatively transparent and well documented criteria, though.

However, itā€™s not a personalized feed based on your interests and unsolicited data collection, which is what people sometimes mean when they say ā€œthe algorithm.ā€


Itā€™s not just a personalized feed, itā€™s also that the algorithms of commercial social media are created to keep you engaged for as long as possible, so you see more ads.

Turns out that people are more engaged with outrage than puppies, so the feed can easily become a super negative thing full of false information, which affects the person viewing and eventually the whole of society. E.g. I am certain that the fact that youtubeā€™s algorithm so easily takes you into the conspiracy territory has caused a lot of people to end up on the fringes of society, causing shit like storming of the Capitol.


@jochem @silent_clash

I agree completely.

And Iā€™d like to add to the algorithm remark that these are pushing for mainstream commercial interests of the platform and under no circumstances following or motivating intellectual, ethical or philosophical engagement. Algorithms are targeting the obedient consumer (George Carlin).


Thatā€™s very interesting, thank you!


I rate this post 0.5 bannanasbananas. edit: typo


downvoted edit: wait I think I pressed the wrong button

Marking edits with ā€œeditā€ is fine by me, just donā€™t use ETA for thatā€¦

if you see something which is worthy of a downvote: down vote and move on! Donā€™t engage with it and feed the algorithm/engament machine so other people are exposed to it when sorting by active.

Disagree. You should politely state why you disagree. Engagement is good for newer websites like lemmy and you donā€™t need to be rude or combative to disagree. One of my issues with reddit is when people would get downvoted for making a fair point or observation.


My take for the fediverse would include:

  • Again, downvote not for disagreement but for content that clearly does not contribute to the discussion. Reason should not be given, as downvoting should be done sparingly and should not require a reason (for most sane human beings).

  • Be aware when interacting cross-instances. Culture, norms, and rules may differ.

  • Unless the instance operator is fine with it, limit your self-content sharing and self-promotion.

  • Remember that most of the fediverse instances are independent and they owe you nothing. The instance operatorā€™s decisions are final.

  • Do not squat names on multiple servers unless itā€™s what you generally have been using.

  • Cats are still the supreme beings. The fediverse resides on the Internet (assuming that it runs on TCP/IP), so the cat supremacy rule applies.

Cats are corner-pissing vermin. Fite me.




Itā€™s hard to understand your stance on downvoting, but from what I can tell, you think everyone who downvotes should just downvote and move on without commenting. Itā€™s funny because every post I have seen about downvoting has said the opposite; ā€œDonā€™t downvote just because you disagreeā€ or ā€œIf you downvote, post a comment as to whyā€ā€¦

I say everyone should stop trying to dictate how other people use their software and stop complaining that "everybody else is doing it wrong"ā„¢ļø. If you have a problem with downvoting, I think you can join an instance that has it disabled.


negative numbers = negative person.

Negative person + negative person = negative people.

Negative people * negative people = Reddit

Itā€™s less about telling you how to use your software, and more about understanding what it takes to cultivate a healthy community.

Itā€™s too late for reddit, but itā€™s not too late for us.


Numbers are not indicative of an emotion. It doesnā€™t matter why someone downvotes. If they are going to be a ā€œnegative personā€ then they will do that regardless. I agree that everyone should make an effort to be kind and avoid being toxic, but saying that downvotes or ā€œnegative numbersā€ have such power is just people putting too much thought into itā€¦ Good luck with your crusade. Downvotes can be disabled by an instance admin. I would recommend anyone who cannot handle the negative numbers to consider joining one of those instances.

I think you might be underestimating how personal these numbers can be to some people. Iā€™m glad they donā€™t impact you, but many people, especially the upcoming generation, equate these numbers with their value.

Big numbers can make people feel validated, that their opinions are valued, or theyā€™re funny.

Negative numbers may result in disappointment or feelings of rejection.

I donā€™t think negative people are ā€œjust negativeā€. Toxicity pervades cultures which allow it to spread. Down voting is sometimes enough to act as a nucleation point. Iā€™ve seen heated arguments start over accusations of down voting, which isnā€™t isolated to their thread.

If seeing negative numbers is that impacting on a personā€™s self worth, the ā€œdisable downvotesā€ that a Lemmy instance can select will not allow down votes on it and not federate in those same down votes.

There are servers where it is set up that way.

As to accusations of downvoting, everyone who runs a server can peek at the database and see exactly who down voted a post or commentā€¦ and anyone can run a server.

The issue of seeing numbers go up or down being tied to an individualā€™s validation is more of an issue for the individual than the community and should be addressed as such.


You said its more of an issue for the individual than the community, how much more?

I see this as a shared responsibility. The main reason is Iā€™m convinced thereā€™s not much people can do about the issue of validation.

I see the validation as a double edged sword. Lots of people do legitimately need validation from strangers online, and Iā€™m glad they have communities to go to, to feel better about themselves.

On the other side of it, is it can form into unhealthy comparison. Itā€™s the reason Instagram stopped showing the number of likes a few years back.

I think some reddit communities had a good idea for limiting the karma counter to 0, because negative karma definitely contributes to how people feel about themselves and the community.

I understand many people see it as self-policing, but if you ever visit r/vegan, you will see an extremely gatekeepy community which breeds toxicity. People who step in any direction are taking a step over the line, and it forces compliance via mob instead of allowing mods to handle bad actors.


Exactly, as I said, people should stop taking the numbers so seriouslyā€¦ To say that ā€œitā€™s just the way it isā€ doesnā€™t help address the underlying issue and it wonā€™t stop ā€œnegative peopleā€ from being negative.

Iā€™ve seen some of your replies to others on here as youā€™ve tried to defend your stance and you have resorted to claiming that itā€™s their problem because of their ā€œconspiracy mindsetā€. I could just as easily make that same counterargument here but it is offensive and isnā€™t productive.

You clearly donā€™t want to discuss the real issues and just want to shove your opinions down peopleā€™s throats.


I donā€™t know how anyone is supposed to rationalise an intuitive emotion to themselves, let alone to other people. So saying people should just stop taking numbers so seriously is comparable to telling someone they should stop being shy.

Negative people will be negative for sure, but it really doesnā€™t take much for an irrational person to become upset. Evidently, youā€™re a rational person. It is often the case that rational people donā€™t intuit irrationally minded people (curse of knowledge bias).

The conspiratorial mindset comment was not directed at anyone here. My point was that people feel that they need to prove their innocence in advance of by explaining why thereā€™s an asterix next to their comment. This is an extremely paranoid behaviour. I was being fallacious by saying it was a conspiratorial mindset, forgive me for being flamboyant.

As far as defending my opinion and shoving it down peoples throat, I donā€™t think thatā€™s a charitable interpretation. I simply havenā€™t been persusuaded, and I think its fine to explain why I donā€™t see it that way.

On a similar note, if people should stop taking numbers so seriously, shouldnā€™t they also stop taking seriously the implications of a stranger who assumes people are editing mundane comments maliciously?


Okay, I just typed up a much better response and then lost it into the Lemmy void, so sorry this will be much more to the point.

You are arguing two sides of the same issue based on your own personal opinions on each one. The issue being that people have certain psychological or behavioural issues. One: people who feel the need to leave a note on edited posts are paranoid. Two: people get upset by the number of downvotes.

First, I think your assessment about why people leave a note about their edits is incorrect. Even if they are doing it because they are paranoid, they should try to overcome that and possibly seek real world help. It is also such a minor thing that we should not try to create some ā€œinternet lawā€ to justify criticizing them.

Second, if someone is getting that upset over downvotes, they should try to overcome that, and definitely seek real world help if they cannot cope. Being their gatekeeper will not solve any of these underlying problems and will not stop people from being negative. Again, instance admins can disable downvotes, so this is a non-issue with Lemmy.

The differences between these two things are people are people are either doing it to themselves, or others in the community are responsible.

All I was saying in the OP is that people donā€™t need to clarify that they edited for typos because thereā€™s no way for people to know you edited your post.

Itā€™s all well and good to say ā€œthese people need helpā€, they surely do, but the point Iā€™m making is that there is also something we can do, if not for them, for the community generally.

In any case, this is not a petition to dictate anything, itā€™s an appeal to be better to each other, because downvoting everyone who has a different opinion contributes to a bitter community. How much it contributes is speculative, but the value cannot be less than 1.


So, according to you, the people who are adding the notes to their posts are paranoid and itā€™s not okay because itā€™s apparently not, as you say, an ā€œintuitive emotionā€ response that they donā€™t need to justify. Instead they are doing it to themselvesā€¦

Yet, the people who are getting upset about downvotes simply have no control over their emotional reaction. Furthermore, you say that it is everyone who downvotes people that are being negative and directly causing their emotional response and it is everyone elseā€™s responsibility to only do things your wayā€¦

Great logicā€¦ I can see that you refuse to acknowledge that this line of reasoning is contradictory and flawed. As I said, good luck on your crusade against the big mean numbers. šŸ‘‹

By the way, it does show when a comment has been edited.

This is very unproductive. Your comments started out well but this comment is laden with strawmen.

Iā€™m saying that people who edit their posts to specifify that they have only edited grammatical mistakes stems from a perception that others may be skeptical about whether they have edited their post to trick people about what they originally wrote, is paranoid behaviour.

The intuitive emotion I was referring to was the feeling of rejection from the community for having a different opinion.

Difference being one is percieved, the other is evidently real, as I can see every time I reply to you.

I never stated that it is directly causing their emotional response (though in some small cases it is), but I did say it was a contributing factor on a greater scale.

Again, Iā€™m not dictating anything, Iā€™m merely trying to explain the correlation between community input and community output. There are communities on reddit where you can see both in full swing. Positive communities foster positive communities.

It is your assertion that my reasoning is contradictory, yet, I feel no cognitive dissonance and have no difficulty clarrifying my position.

You can choose how long we argue for, you can say goodbye whenever you want, but Iā€™m always free to reply.


Sure, try to dismiss my responses as simply being unproductive now. Itā€™s obvious you are intentionally trying to run me around in circles to wear me down.

As I have pointed out in every response, you are just contradicting yourself; making assumptions and judging one group of people for their (inconsequential) reactionary behavior while trying to gatekeep for others because of their emotional reactionsā€¦ You are only proving my point that you are either unwilling or incapable of acknowledging that your reasoning is flawed and you have not made a good argument for your case.

I will repeat it again: One: Consider treating everyone equally, not just because you agree or disagree with them or because you sympathise more or less with their specific situation. Two: Downvotes can be disabled. This is not a concern for Lemmy or itā€™s users; everyone gets a choice.

All of your opinions are your own, just stop trying to act like you are holier than everyone else when you have already been proven to stoop down to being a negative and offensive person yourself.


Im not dismissing all your responses, just the previous one. Youā€™re getting worked up over nothing.

You are making more assertions as time goes on. You donā€™t get to just declare that Iā€™m ā€œobviously trying to wear you downā€ or that you ā€œhave pointed out in every response that Iā€™m contradicting myselfā€ or that ā€œunwilling or unable to acknowledge my reasoning is flawedā€, (which also presupposes my reasoning is flawed, something in donā€™t agree with you on).

You donā€™t get to just declare youā€™re right about all this stuff, you have not demonstrated your claims. Iā€™m more than happy to concede the failures of my epistemology, thereā€™s no shame in it, Iā€™m just not convinced that you are right (except that I was under the impression edited posts werenā€™t known, whoops!).

I agree with your first consideration, but not your second. This isnā€™t about the individual (though I do care that theyā€™re respected), this is about the community as a whole. It goes beyond one persons feelings. A self policing community sometimes works great to keep away bigots, but I believe when thatā€™s the job of moderators, it creates hostile environments, whether obvious or subconscious.

I donā€™t believe Iā€™m better than anyone else, after all, I wasted long enough entertaining this conversation, as you pointed out, I stooped to rolling in the mud with you.

Whilst I appreciate the pair of you demonstrating an intellectual vivacity and facility for debate that is rarely found on reddit, perhaps I might share a bit of my own wisdom, gleaned from decades spent in online communities.

Namely, know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em; there is no shame in agreeing to disagree. Especially when the subject of disagreement is something so minor.

It may not be possible to formulate a scientifically complete theory of the psychological effects of making edits and downvotes to Lemmy comments and posts. And thus, it seems possible for two smart people to have different perspectives on the issue.

There are situations where someone is clearly incorrect and spending paragraph after paragraph to demonstrate that is warranted, or at least justifiable. But I donā€™t think this particular conversation really needed to be like that.

The thing about being rational and smart is that you constantly have to balance applying those traits to the external world and applying them to your own behavior. In this case, you two were so caught up in the particulars of the topic at hand that you were forgetting the context of the conversation, and thus leaving your rationality in question from a different angle. If either of you had been able to recognize this angle without my help, you could have effectively ā€œwonā€ the argument by merely accepting that it was possible to disagree on this topic without admitting to being wrong.

Youā€™re absolutely right, no objections from me.

I enjoy a good debate, itā€™s always unfortunate when it starts out well but then turns sour.

Iā€™m sorry you read all that. I appreciate the detailed reply.

Tbh, I didnā€™t read all of it, I started skimming at some point.

I think we all need to consciously deprogram our brains from the reddit mindset. We are no longer anonymous specks in a massive crowd, shouting at the top of our lungs for attention and recognition. We are now part of a small community of talented and intelligent individuals and it behooves us to conduct ourselves as such.

But youā€™re both good, this was honestly much more civil than what things used to devolve into on reddit. I donā€™t even mind some highbrow intellectual banter from time to time šŸ˜…

Itā€™s fun to debate, but I think itā€™s important to focus on the details. Itā€™s not as fun when the other person uses inflammatory language because they assume malicious intent.

As I mentioned in the OP and in multiple replies here, I want to cultivate a community of civil discourse too. As you mentioned, this place need not remind me of reddit, but it was nostalgic in a morbid way.

Being able to articulate a complex thought and have someone else really respond to what I am saying is an absolute gamechanger for Lemmy right now.

On reddit, I was so sick of typing out a long, well-reasoned argument, only for the other user to ignore everything I said and respond with trolling, sarcastic answers. Here, people actually have some level of self-respect, and they usually engage in good faith.

See my response here.

Wasnā€™t sure how to tag you.

Well if someone constantly has opinions that are very disliked by other peopleā€¦ maybe they just are a negative person and they should be called out for it?

Listen, Iā€™ll measure with a fucking banana if I feel like it, okay. Donā€™t tell me what to do pal.

To be honest building a edit history views makes more sense to me. This project is opensource we can do more than work around.

We donā€™t measure in bananas here.

You are going to have to come up.with an alternate unit of measurement then. An easily available one too, as I am not keeping a lemming handy for the purposes of scale. Unless it was stuffedā€¦ Iā€™m off to eBay, back in a mo.


I use my Lemmy for architectural blueprints.

Wait what? People have those? A lemmy is a real animal? So many new things at once for me


A lemming is a real animal.

Thereā€™s a misconception that they commit mass suicide by jumping off cliffs.

Smaller than I thought but it does have the potential to be a standard.



Iā€™m very curious as to what peopleā€™s view on etiquette is regarding submitting your own content. I write a weekly newsletter about the fediverse which is pretty relevant to this community for example. But Iā€™m also quite aware of reddiquette thats pretty hesitant on submitting your own stuff, as it can get spammy really fast. Would love to hear.


Personally, if itā€™s good content I donā€™t mind a little self promotion. People wonā€™t see what you made if you donā€™t share it. Just donā€™t post it to dozens of communities, thatā€™s when it gets way too spammy. Find one or two you think it would a good fit for and users would find relevant and share it there, as long as that community doesnā€™t have any rules against promoting your own content.

I donā€™t see any problem with that, and posting a weekly update is far from spammy behavior anyway.

if you see something which is worthy of a downvote: down vote and move on! Donā€™t engage with it and feed the algorithm/engament machine so other people are exposed to it when sorting by active.

Uh, no thanks? Thatā€™s exactly what happens on Reddit. People see something, donā€™t understand it disagree, downvote, and move on. Thatā€™s asshole behavior. Tell someone why what they said is dumb, and expose your own idiocy so others can laugh at them.

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