Admin of
I can also be found on the microblog fediverse at or on matrix at
Fedipact is an anti meta pact that some instances have taken.
Blocked is instances that have blocked meta but aren’t part of that pact. Blahaj zone is one of the latter for example. We block threads because it houses hate groups. Were it to stop doing that, we wouldn’t block them, but fedipact members still would, because their concerns are to do with what Meta itself represents
This article was the first time I understood that particular way of implementing nomadic identity, and it’s the first time I’ve felt genuinely excited by the idea.
My concern is that with “instanceless” nomadic identity on the fediverse is that ultimately, it would mean that instance would lose their sense of differentiation and community, and would simply be infrastructure instead, and that’s how we we end up with bluesky.
This implementation though is amazing. It lets people actively lean in to community based instances, without having to only pick one, and it gives people protection against loss of any particular instance.
Oh, now that’s fascinating, and explains some of the issues we’re having. Our hosting provider had some issues, so all of our queues were delayed. It took us a while to recover, but we got through all of the outstanding queues, except for, which still has a huge amount outstanding. And I’m guessing that’s because we’re processing them only slightly faster than new ones enter the queue!
Probably because in Egyptian mythology, Thoth, who was an Ibis headed deity, was the god of knowledge and wisdom, and thus Ibis became a symbol of knowledge and reason.
It’s somewhat amusing that the Egyptian Ibis is so closely related to the Australian Bin Chicken that they may actually be the same species
I went mirrorless and got an adapter for my existing EF lenses
Edit - If you have a look through my post history (not my comment history) you’ll see lots of bird photos. Anything with a 2023 or 2024 date on it was generally taken with my old EF 70-300mm lens using an adapter ring to mount it to a Canon r50.
Both? Which is to say, after an amazing start, it went downhill when it was sold to yahoo. It suffered there for years. These days, its owned by SmugMug and is improving, but still isn’t what it used to be