• 1 Post
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Oct 18, 2019


To be honest building a edit history views makes more sense to me. This project is opensource we can do more than work around.

People are down voting you for responding to someone saying they don’t know and would like to know more with “you have no idea do you?”. Like yeah, they said so themselves.

IPFS/IPNS, WikiData, and the internet archive are projects in the same space, any overlap that you would see as useful for your goal here?

Self hosting might make sense on that small of a scale.

I haven’t had Element crash on me in a while, but that was a big annoyance for me too for a long time.

Matrix and clients for it like Element have always been my go to for federated chat like discord/teams/mattersmost. The main missing feature is voice channels imho.

Fedora Discussions post on them moving towards the Fediverse
So most of the actual discussion is going on in the [discourse meta forum](https://meta.discourse.org/t/activitypub-plugin/266794/32), but I figured I would cross pollinate this here for everyone interested. I personally love the idea of these forums moving towards Fediverse and really tieing these communities together, something non-federated sites simply can't do easily. What are you all's thoughts on it?

My approach as well, it took me a long time to realize why I got weird looks saying I browsed reddit at work. My page was opensource,computer, tech, stuff with some other hobbies.My friends was just porn lol