• 20 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023

is it possible to run pixelfed on a domain that already runs mastodon?
I can install and run pixelfed on a subdomain, for example, pixelfed.example.com. However, I also run mastodon.example.com. My webfinger points at mastodon. How do I configure a webfinger for both pixelfed and mastodon? How do you all have your webfingers setup when you run multiple activitypub-based services? Edit: I should also add that I'm trying to tie my mastodon account to user@domain.tld, not specific to the mastodon subdomain, but specific to my user email identity. My mastodon domain would be sometime like mastodon.domain.com, which would normally make my user user@mastodon.domain.com. I do see this as a potential solution - I could route the specific service based on user agent to the correct webfinger: https://serverfault.com/questions/775463/nginx-redirect-based-on-user-agent#825725 So here is the issue on github: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/issues/3563 If folks have GitHub accounts, could you please bump this/thumbs up?

I don’t disagree. I’ve said for a couple of decades that we need to tie the GI Bill directly to the draft and create a different form of the GI Bill specifically for public service.

There’s plenty of ways to serve your country, not all of them have to involve killing brown people in foreign lands.

We should have passed legislation that capped class size to 20 kids. If there aren’t enough teachers, tough shit. Also, teachers should be paid a good wage and we shouldn’t be paying for schools out of property taxes, for fuck sake.

Oh I get it, things were especially bad when Jo Ann Hardesty, and her predecessor Chloe Eudaly, were in charge of PBOT. They would simply deprioritize or not respond to those reports at all. Had our coward mayor just removed them from PBOT leadership things wouldn’t have been as bad for as long.

Nowadays, PBOT responds within 2-3 days. You can see on the city’s arcgis map where reports are, how long they’ve been there and how many duplicate reports there are.

People have to be on the ball reporting it. I report cars I think suspicious as abandoned (9/10 they are) and campsites the same day I see them post up.

Tell me how that advocacy had worked out for you., and how many hours of day you spend doing that work.

Edit: oh yeah, crickets

Unfortunately no, which is why most of them end up spiralling out of control and committing suicide or ending up on the street.

Oh look, someone that doesn’t live in Portland and doesn’t have bullet holes in their home from homeless folks having a free market dispute in the street.

Bravo take - I definitely agree that we should just fully transition to open street sewers to better accommodate our unhoused.

If they don’t move for weeks, months or years, it turns into a biohazard, period. People that live here are tired of it and I’m not waiting for the mythical public housing and wraparound services to exist before I say start the sweeps. Sorry not sorry.

Last I checked they aren’t making homelessness illegal. They are banning camping during the day, which unfortunately is needed because campsites quickly become biohazards. Source: had disgusting, expanding camp in front of my house for 25 months - including 2 deaths, 2 ODs, 5 stolen cars, a bunch of recovered stolen property and 2 DV incidents where I thought one woman was being murdered.

We should have abolished PPB. Transfer our funding to MCSO and cut ties with PPA. Take the time to establish community policing the right way and explicitly not allow the existence of a police union afterwards.


There needs to be real solutions. Forced rehab, and publicly owned housing, and nobody from the city to the state to the federal level are talking about those things.

We need the equivalent of a GI Bill to entice people to become healthcare workers that will have to deal with basically some of the worst elements of human society - and anyone arguing that point has probably never had an addict for a sibling or parent. Addicts need love, but some addicts are hard to spend any time around. Alcohol and meth top that hard-to-be-around category.

Phones are always listening. They are modern surveillance on their users. That’s a Feature™️

Officials believe that the group had purchased a powder that they snorted together, apparently unaware that it contained fentanyl.

The national overdose rate for opiates had a huge upswing in 2019, according to published NIH and OHA data.

Another interesting point is that OD deaths equate to less than 2% of the number of people, measured over the same period, that would have had criminal records due to possession in Oregon (or 0.2% of the population).

The recent comparison between how Portugal was able to succeed, versus Oregon (and the US in general) wasn’t very surprising - except for the part about how the actual ticketing & law enforcement process was largely a failure. Portuguese authorities suggested that most of the people brought into the deterrence program weren’t addicts, but mostly vacationers who were partying. Conversely, they said that the biggest influence on their success was that they poured an incredible amount of money into the social services needed for addiction treatment and they had safe sites for use - both of which will be impossible in the US.

Land Speculation in the Jade District Leaves a Gleaming Structure Empty
Vacancy taxes here should be painfully high here. $3m property vacant for years? Should be paying about $300k/yr in vacancy taxes.

Amid Budget Crisis, Leaked PBOT Emails Deepen Public Distrust of Portland Transportation Leaders
I'll reiterate: Mingus Mapps is a fucking liar. He's also terrible at being PBOT commissioner. We want open data and we want it yesterday. I want to see report metrics. I want to see the PBOT budgets for their teams, their headcount allocation and how they are planning work as well as dealing with emergency problems (eg reports).

Whoever is running PBOT is an idiot. And so is the one in charge of the PPB (cough cough mayor).

A city manager can’t come fast enough. They’d better get the sweeps going hard and fast.

PPB should have been shut down and the city should have cut ties with PPA. Move our funding to MCSO until city council changes and a different police force could be formed.

Inept city government can't figure out how to enforce illegal parking laws
Ted Wheeler is an cretin, and so is the commissioner in charge of PBOT. Sweep this shit.

Portland mayor Ted Wheeler will not seek third term
I'm ok with this. He was a fucking shithead for letting people drive around with no tags, functioning DMV or not. He was a shithead for not replacing Eudaly and subsequently Hardesty as head of PBOT. He is ultimately responsible for the derelict cars and RVs left all over the city and a bureau that would take months, or years in some cases, to deal with major problems. Fuck Wheeler.

Mayor Ted Wheeler wants nearly 100 state troopers to help police Portland
My preference would just be axing PPB and letting folks handle things with street justice.

What's up with the cart pods on Foster?
The pod on 52nd disappeared, but also, the pod that's a block or two east of the Mercado also shut down. What gives? Hopefully those lots are turned into housing rather than just sit as vacant lots...

‘The system is broken’: Lents residents left frustrated by incomplete camp sweeps
Here to tell you that Mapps, Gonzales and Ryan are worthless commissioners and I'll be glad when they are flushed.