Rust can run on anything from web browsers to Adruinos. BUT can you make Android/iOS apps with it? I heard that you can make the backend of your app in Rust and then incorporate it into your Java/Kotlin app, but I’m looking for something like React Native or Flutter, where you can build the entire app (including UI and interacting with native APIs) in Rust without writing a single line of Java/Kotlin.
Does something like that exist? If not, then is anyone working on it?
Oh, and I don’t mean I want one of the many libraries which just compile your code to WASM and run the app in a WebView… I want something that lets me make native UIs - like React Native or Flutter.
What about Slint? Seems to be early days for mobile dev with it though but I don’t know any other native rust based UI libraries.
No full Rust toolkit exists yet, best you got is Kotlin-Rust & Flutterust.
Kotlin-rust hasnt had updates in 7 years, Flutterrust in 2 years
For Flutter there’s also flutter_rust_bridge. But for Kotlin it’s pretty much the best you have without having to write your own bindings from scratch, alternatively there’s uniffi-rs but it can be tricky to get working with kotlin.
Iced maybe? Not sure about mobile. Second Slint, it adapts the native style of various OSses
Iced is desktop and web only.
Slint for mobile is WIP for Android and not started for IOS.
Maybe Tauri?
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