He/him. Chinese born, Canadian citizen. University student studying environmental science, hobbyist programmer. Marxist-Leninist.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Oct 03, 2019


How do you deal with the non-static IP when hosting something from home?
I have a few single board computers at home that I want to try hosting some public facing stuff with, but what's the best way to deal with the fact that my home internet is not on a static IP? Would I have to host my site from a DynDNS domain and hope that when the IP changes, the DNS caches of users expire quickly enough to keep them connected?

Are there any light projects I can run on a Raspberry Pi Zero?
I have a Raspberry Pi Zero W that is serving as my Pihole server, but that only uses about 10% of its very underpowered CPU, and I feel like I'm not getting my money's worth. Anyone have any lightweight project ideas I can run on it to use up more of its resources? Could I run BOINC limited to 50% CPU usage on it or is it too slow to complete jobs on time? Could I maybe seed torrents for popular Linux distros on it without the rather weak Wi-Fi chipset getting overwhelmed and bottlenecking the DNS server?

Do you think Rust should architecturally replace Kotlin?
Apologies if this question isn't really appropriate for this community, but Rust and Kotlin are my two favorite programming languages, and currently, I use both for different projects. However, I'm curious as to if people here think Kotlin still has a place when Rust exists? I'm specifically speaking architecturally: disregarding existing legacy code or support, do you think in the future, the Rust platform *should* replace the Kotlin platforms (JVM, LLVM Native, Android, Web) for everything Kotlin can do, or do you think Kotlin can do some things better than Rust?

How's the state of Qt or GTK integration in Rust?
Last I heard, Qt and GTK bindings exist for Rust, but they're far from complete and incredibly hard to use compared to coding in their native languages (C++ and C respectively). Has that changed recently? Is it now possible to build reasonably complicated GUIs in Rust, and how difficult would it be for someone whose only GUI experience comes from web development and some JavaFX to learn, compared to just coding it in the GUI framework's native language?

When an app is installed on millions of devices, making it more efficient can actually make a not insignificant difference in overall power consumption, and therefore environmental impact.

What are your thoughts on a possible command line syntax derived from Rust? Kind of like how TempleOS (that really weird religious operating system created by one person) has a shell with C-like syntax, complete with include statements and semicolons after every command.

I hate bash/sh script’s syntax and really hate batch/powershell, but I don’t know if a Rust-based shell would be better.

I’m most curious about your thoughts on GUI apps: For Qt, is the main problem right now the fact that no complete bindings exist or is Rust fundamentally problematic for Qt integration? If Rust had a complete binding of Qt or GTK libraries, would you use Rust as opposed to the framework’s native language (C++ and C respectively)? What’s currently your favourite language for GUI development and what makes it suitable for GUI?

www.areweguiyet.com says that “Rust’s expressiveness and high level abstractions make it ideal for building intricate and complex user interfaces.” What do you think of this?

Is it possible to set up your own Crate server and get your own Rust compiler to pull dependencies from it?
I don't personally have a good reason to do this and I'm mostly just curious, but two reasons I can think of is if an organization prefers to host their own Crate server for their employees or has proprietary internal dependencies on their company network, or if Mozilla ever decides to shut down crates.io servers or gets sold to a consumer unfriendly company like Facebook or Google. My questions are whether it's possible to host Crates in a way that the compiler can understand (for example, if the crates.io backend is open source, or if you can replicate the functionality with a simple file server provided by software like Apache or Nignx), and whether you can configure the Rust compiler to recognize a custom URL to supplement or replace the standard crates.io server. With JVM languages, you can easily add a URL to a Maven server that you host and pull jar files from there, even a HTTP simple file server can be used if you name the files and directories correctly. Is there a way to do the same in Rust?

Is there a Rust library like the 7zip suite that can extract all common archive and compressed file formats?
I'm looking to build something in Rust that requires being able to extract a variety of archive and compressed file formats, like various forms of compressed tar files, zip files, iso files, etc. The 7zip software suite is really good at both auto-detecting what format it's in and extracting almost anything you throw at it (it even dumps out the objects in Linux, Mac and Windows executables). I was originally just thinking of including 7zip as a dependency and calling its command line tool from Rust so I can get it to do all the work, but is there a Rust library that is similarly versatile that I can use instead, or is 7zip actually my best option?

What are some resources for learning ActivityPub development?
I really want to contribute the federation aspect of Lemmy but have no idea how ActivityPub works. Are there some resources and tutorials out there that other people have found helpful?

What are some resources for learning ActivityPub development?
I really want to contribute the federation aspect of Lemmy but have no idea how ActivityPub works. Are there some resources and tutorials out there that other people have found helpful?