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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


What about Slint? Seems to be early days for mobile dev with it though but I don’t know any other native rust based UI libraries.

Most GUI libraries in rust are in some version of 0.x. this isn’t like flutter or Avalonia where our GUI libraries are mature. Wasn’t Iced basically a one man show before system 76 started using it for their desktop environment and made huge contributions to it?

I think for now your best bet is probably a webview framework like tauri or dioxus. I’m sure things like iced will get there. But by using webview these frameworks have offloaded a lot of dev work. They’ve made painting pixels on the screen someone else’s job

^ Couldn’t possibly agree with this anymore!

I think it’s a common issue with rust in general that a lot of its big impressive libraries/frameworks are still in 0.x with variable degrees of documentation and ease of use. Axum, Rocket, Dioxus, Leptos, Bevy, Servo, the list goes on. A lot of cool things are being built in Rust but very few of them are mature yet.

I know react so Dioxus was easy for me to pick up. I haven’t tried tauri but I know React, Vue and Svelte pretty well so I assume I’d be golden with it as well

I think you mean to say “no documentation”. First of all, what version of iced are you using? I made a simple GUI app in version 0.7 but with the current version of 0.10 it’s broken. Unfortunately if you can’t solve your problem using the examples repo your probably out of luck until iced is more stable and better documented.