•Aspirante Tech-Minimalist

• Amo il Fediverso

• Linux user da 5+ anni

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 28, 2022


I shot this pic with my phone of the time, which was an Oppo A74. The pic is unedited. What do you think?

Thanks for the advice! I’ve never used Flickr but I’ll check it out

I want to do street photography and protraits mainly but If something inspires me I go for it. I first have to understand all the technical terms you all are using ahahah

I’ll work on your advices. Thanks!

I like street photography and and portraits but I want to explore

I’ll check out the link and keep in mind your advices. Thanks!

Lenses for a newbie
Hello everybody. I'm planning to get my first camera body and lenses but I'm not quite sure on what lensens to get. I think I'll get a LUMIX DMC-GF1 which I can find for fairly cheap prices so I can spend most of the money for some good lenses. What lenses would you recommend me buying? Is there some kind of "general lenses" I can use without having to switch them according to situations? I'm very new and confused by all the technical terms and stuff

I Just want to access knowledge conveniently without having to see porn💀

But not every nsfw content is porn!

Yup, but people are going to try it because “bro the new Instagram thingy”, after that we can tell them "bro did you know you can access the same content without being spied?

If there’s a thing I’ve learnt in the past year is that people don’t want to talk about privacy and FOSS software, mainly because the word “privacy” has been so overused in the past 10/15 years that most people think it’s bullshit which doesn’t exist anymore. It’s a preconcept but unfortunately that’s how people think and if you want them to consider free software juust tell them it’s cool before everything else

Unfortunately the Fediverse might suffer a lot because of this

Yup I just don’t want to see porn in my timeline. As I mentioned in my post, not everything marked as NSFW is porn and I don’t want to disable everything

That might be an issue but I don’t know how something like this might be appliable in such a platform

Yes we just don’t know the extent of the federation. We’ll see

Fair point! We just don’t know the extent of the federation

I should ask the maintainers of my instance. I’ll toot them or ask them on Matrix

Too much porn on Pixelfed
Hello everybody. I've been browsing the Fediverse for a few months now and I'm loving it but there's a not-that-small issue I'm having with Pixelfed So basically every time i go into my federated timeline I always end up seeing PLENTY of literal porn (not artistic nude, i'm talking of fully fledged porn) EVERYWHERE. Is there a way I can disable it? I don't want to force block every post maked as nsfw even because sometimes not-nsfw posts get marked as nsfw for some reason I'm using in an Italian instance called pixelfed.uno Some help wold be highly appreciated 🙏 Thanks in advance!

Why isn't anyone talking about this? It looks like Meta wants to compete with Twitter with a new Instagram microblogging app which will probably be compatible with Mastodon Key Point of the article: > *“Soon, our app will be compatible with certain other apps like Mastodon,” Instagram’s slide says. “Users on these other apps will be able to search for, follow and interact with your profile and content if you’re public, or if you’re private and approve them as followers.” * [The Verge - This is Instagram’s new Twitter competitor](https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/19/23730070/instagram-twitter-app-competitor-leak)