• 12 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023

Concrete planters for calming traffic removed after frequent collisions
The gist is that Portland drivers couldn't stop hitting crucial safety infrastructure (proving its necessity) so PBOT gave up on it. As one of the commenters pointed out: Since a pedestrian/bike fatality costs PBOT nothing and replacing a concrete planter a car has demolished costs them more than nothing, to balance the budget they're going to go with more pedestrian deaths.

Ask Eater: What’s Going on With the Flock Food Hall Downtown?
This is about the alleged food hall that was going to be coming to the Ritz Carlton Tower. They made a big show about how they'd be offering spots to the food carts they displaced. Well now e-mails are bouncing and there's radio silence from everyone involved about whether there even will be a food hall anymore. It sounds shocking, I know, but it certainly *seems* like the olive branch that they offered to assuage everyone's anger about the food carts they were displacing was a lie.

Monkey-wrenching road pricing
Here's the fallout from Kotek's decision to stop all tolling, as well as a history of promises made and then broken about tolling. A couple of things I took from this article: * Oregon has reduced GHG emissions for most sectors except transportation * Tolling was part of the plan to reduce transportation emissions * Tolling on the I-5 Bridge will drastically reduce traffic on it, which obviates the need for more lanes * *Only* tolling on I-5 while leaving 205 free creates huge issues * The state was counting on tolling money for all of its projects, so car dependence is hurting car dependence, which is a small silver lining

Here's Gonzalez getting "accosted" on Max
He filed a police report for someone brushing his shoulder walking through the aisle and then criticizing his homeless policies. Him not riding Max anymore has nothing to do with "violent and antisocial behavior" and everything to do with him being unwilling to face his constituents.

Portland Diamond Project (MLB to Portland) in negotiations to purchase 164-acre RedTail Golf Course
Seems just as unlikely as previous proposals, and also way outside of town (technically Beaverton, but the course is owned by the city of Portland).

Broadway Bridge Lift Deck Replacement
Looks like the Broadway Bridge is going to be closed for a while next year.

You would think, wouldn’t you? But this approach is quite common. Biden’s “deal” to prevent the rail strike was to make it illegal for them to strike. Air traffic controllers were also legally prevented from striking in the 80s, but did a wildcat strike anyway. Reagan fired all of them and then banned them from ever being rehired.

Angels Rest is a pretty good hike if it’s your first time in town. Not super long, though.

The Trail of Seven Falls in Silver Falls State Park is another great one, but again, not super long.

If you want something longer there’s Tillamook Head Trail out by the coast that would give you good views of the ocean and cliffs out there.

Others may have better options. Keep in mind it’s likely to be raining no matter where you go.

Timbers probably sell out more than the Blazers tbh

Owners of Lloyd Center Unveil Master Plan for Mall That Restores Street Grid and Adds Housing
It's exciting to see that there are actual plans from the new owners of the Lloyd Center.

Portland transportation director readies plan to remove key downtown protected bike lane – BikePortland
This seems to not be based on safety at all and is probably Mapps and Williams spending money PBOT doesn't have because of complaints by business owners that are not based on data. Exactly the kind of stupid decisions I expected Mapps to make when Teddy appointed him.

They just re-opened a tap room with a pretty great food cart pod attached. I went this weekend. It seemed busy, but I’d guess rent is a lot higher than their old spot.

They say they want fewer overdoses but no mention of supervised consumption sites, which are the easiest and most effective way to do that.

It’s always just more cops. Are there any politicians who can come up with 1 creative solution? Or talk to the people who can?

The issue is that, despite spending more money than any other country by an order of magnitude (excepting maybe the UK) per mile of track, we don’t get it done right the first time.

SF’s Central Subway which was, at one point, the most expensive rail project (light or otherwise) per mile of track in the world had to get the contractor to go in and completely replace the rails because they had tried to sneak substandard steel past the city.

The megacontractors who build these projects do not deliver quality, they do not deliver when they say they will, and they do not deliver for the cost they bid at. They do make a killing though.

Well, the Bay Area is using CAHSR money to upgrade Caltrain already. That project should be done in a year or two.

What Rendon wanted to do in Socal with Metrolink was to use the money to not do any electrification and use battery-electric trains, which would have been useless.

The route selection isn’t that big of an issue. CAHSR was always intended to help connect the Central Valley to LA and SF. Merced, Bakersfield, and Fresno aren’t that small, and they aren’t that out of the way either.

SNCF’s bid did use the I-5 RoW, which doesn’t pass through these downtowns and would have required connecting spurs in the Central Valley. It would have been cheaper most likely, but not passing through the valley cities’ cores would probably have hurt support for the project and limited the impacts it could make for the rest of the state’s economy. (These cities (or at least Fresno) have since rejected having HSR go through their downtowns, but that’s a new problem.)

$200 million for a study I assume. Christ this stuff does not need to be so expensive. Why do we continue to be so bad at this?

It was so obvious at the time and so transparent that it’s truly shocking how well it worked.

So now we’re stuck with this terrible city council that is actively sabotaging the city’s efforts on homelessness and mental health until 2024.

Spoiler: it is because they asked the community there and they felt they’d get more representation that way.