Father of 2; husband; FOSS & Linux lover and willing teacher; absolutely cynical. In that order.

Ex-Red Hatter focused on supporting services such as systemd, dbus, rsyslog, secvuln, openssh, etc.




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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Knee jerk reaction oh hell no.

When I calm my emotions and think about it, they’re talking to the founders of the software of the Fediverse. They aren’t talking to the maintainers of ActivityPub. In either case the software can be forked and people can move.

However, NDAs are complete bullshit. You gain nothing, so even the benefit of the doubt can be used against you. They’re completely against what the Fediverse is about. And now we can legally NEVER know what was discussed else a few devs doing this for fun and are single devs can be sued into oblivion by one of the most powerful and toxic companies on the planet.

I already am not on Mastodon and I don’t really use PixelFed, but this is classic FB and already sets the precedent of how they want to act within the open set of communities. Anything they touch should instantly be defederated imo.

They have shown time and time again their true colors and they come to us, not with open arms, but behind lawyers and courts. Fuck you Facebook and the toxic money driven bullshit you bring with you.

And anyone that works at Facebook, you’re in the same boat. There’s no turning that ship, you will never chnge it from the inside or out, you will NEVER be able to do the right thing, you do it for money. You are an accomplice, you will NEVER be the moral compass that makes it right, because it’s built on lies for MONEY and nothing else.

Facebook is a detriment to mankind.

That’s terrible … show me where so I never go there …

On a more serious note, if you’re going to the federated timeline, you can get all kinds of unwanted things. It’s usually best to search interests by hashtag and build out your community of folks you follow that way. Also most platforms allow you to block stuff market as #nsfw but that’s completely on the person to do the right thing. Which in reality, sadly, you should never depend on someone else.

I personally run my own GoToSocial, so I can defederate with folks I don’t want and have more control over what I see. More work for me, and GoToSocial isn’t fully ready for primetime, but that’s always an option.

The Fediverse is still in it’s infancy, so it’s gonna have some growing pains, but I’m hoping it continues to grow and things like you’re suggesting become an after thought in the future.