• 14 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


We’re looking at the pro-Schmidt ads and recognizing them for the bullshit they are…

Yup, yup. Plus environmental costs as more traffic diverts to streets less capable of handling more traffic.

The tolling decision was moronic, glad to see it got killed.

All of that AND they didn’t take into account the mass number of people going: “Hey Google, Avoid Tolls”. Routing to side streets in Gladstone, Oregon City, West Linn and Lake Oswego.

That’s huge news. The whole tolling plan was ill considered from the start, with no plan to end it. It’s not like “Oh, hey, we have this bridge we need to pay for”, they just wanted to implement it as traffic reduction.

MAX Disruption Coming In January
"the Gateway Transit Center will be closed to trains from Jan. 14 through Feb. 25."

Take the Mercury's "The Police Union HATES Portland" Poll!
Portland's police union polled 500 Portlanders... but didn't ask YOU. Here's your chance to be heard!

More: ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/f1a5517b-c9bd-45aa-b773-900d8050146f.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/e71d2c62-a168-4394-b062-02c8f7ca43d6.jpeg)

Definitely. First priority will be outside city council homes.

Last priority will be Foster/Powell/Division.

As near as I can tell, the city is totally OK with them sleeping in the rough, so to speak, as long as its from 8 PM to 8 AM.

They don’t want people lolling around the sidewalks out of their minds on fentanyl from 8 AM to 8 PM.

Yeah, this is “prohibits camping on all public property between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.”

So at 8PM, feel free, set up camp. Just be ready to be gone by 8AM.

Passed out on the sidewalk at 2 PM because of fentanyl? Not allowed.

Also this:

“They explained that they were looking for a man who’d been evading police, and that they had been “confused” why McDonald had been driving the speed limit, Rossio says.”

Look! It’s a car driving the speed limit! Better ram them off the road!

“Another”? Yeah… FTA:

“The legal threat references four other times in recent years that misidentification by Portland police had serious, sometimes deadly, consequences.”

Two Women Intend to Sue After Being Stopped at Gunpoint by Portland Cops
"The Aug. 29 incident appears to have been another case of mistaken identity."

That’s one of the pieces that doesn’t make sense.


“Deschutes County detectives received information Monday from Portland Police Bureau detectives about a man identified as Samson Zebturiah Garner “planning a violent attack during an event” in the county, Sergeant Jason Wall said Friday.”


“DCSO and Portland detectives worked for several days to investigate the man, and learned Thursday that Garner had left Portland and was in Deschutes County, Wall said.”

So Portland police tipped off the County on Monday, they worked the case together through Thursday when they learned he had left Portland, and picked him up in the county.

But it’s not clear where the OG tip came from.

If the article is correct, no gun control would have stopped this guy:

“Court records show Garner has no previous criminal record in Oregon, only a speeding and parking ticket and driving while using a cellphone.”

The stat that blew my mind is way down at the bottom:

“In July, KGW reporter Blair Best rode along with firefighters from Portland Fire’s Station 1 in downtown, who said that they were being run ragged by overdose calls — responding to more overdose calls than fires. In June alone, the agency said, firefighters from Station 1 responded to 300 overdose calls.

Arguing against laws and social order means I’m not the one in need of a self assessment. Kisses!

I understand we have laws and social contracts for a reason. You intentionally violate them? No sympathy.

Try feeling that way when it’s your shit getting stolen. You having to deal with armed felons spaced out on meth.

No. They need to spend some quality time behind bars. Best for everyone.

I don’t give two shits about “reasons”. You commit crimes? Fuck you. Go to jail. Lots of people have it hard, they don’t steal cars and other shit from people who have it JUST AS HARD as they do.

$6,380 in stolen merch, four illegally possessed firearms, and three stolen vehicles, first-degree theft, second-degree theft, third-degree theft, criminal trespass, felon in possession of a firearm, possession of a stolen vehicle, carrying a concealed weapon, and attempt to elude in a vehicle.

Good riddance to trash.

Tell that to Portland Fire and Rescue Station #1, they appear to be KEENLY aware.

Multnomah County lost record $1 billion in income between 2020 and 2021 as residents moved away
Doing the math so you don't have to... $1,000,000,000 in salaries. 14,257 tax filers. $1B / 14,257 = $70,140.98 in salary per person that moved out.