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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I feel your pain. There doesn’t seem to be much choice for quality earbuds, even when you are willing to pay more for it. I recently returned a pair of Sony earbuds that sounded so dogshit it was insulting.

Based on some audiophile conversations I have read, it might be worth looking into IEMs (in-ear monitors). From the bit of research I’ve done, it seems you can get better quality from these compared to regular consumer earbuds. It looks like you may need to get a cable that has a mic built in, but that might give you more options.

They are great, and once you “get” it it’s easy. Basically just duplicating your signal and doing something else to the copy. Many possibilities :)

I agree with the other comment saying double track and hard pan.

Stereo imaging / widening, reverb, ping pong delay, chorus, can all make things sound wider as well. Don’t be afraid to play with sends and pan them too (eg reverb send panned hard left while the dry instrument is hard right)

What drama are you referring to? Bandcamp being sold and half their staff fired? That’s shitty, but they still pay artists more than any other platform.

To answer your main question, I’d say Soundcloud is easiest for yourself and listeners.