I write code and play games and stuff. My old username from reddit and HN was already taken and I couldn’t think of anything else I wanted to be called so I just picked some random characters like this:

>>> import random
>>> ''.join([random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") for x in range(5)])

My avatar is a quick doodle made in KolourPaint. I might replace it later. Maybe.


Alt: e0qdk@reddthat.com

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 22, 2023


Not sure, but I just checked and I have upwards of 3700 unfinished MIDI files I’ve authored over the past 20+ years – more than 8MB of data. A lot of that is multiple drafts of the same songs (e.g. one song might have 3~5 variants from a single session where I was experimenting and kept all of the drafts as separate files, and sometimes I came back to an idea and experimented with it again and again like that over a period of years). I also tend to keep a lot of my musical doodles.

There’s a couple dozen pieces in there that I think might be worth the effort of going back to and finishing someday, maybe; everything else is just my musical research notes, basically.

I was getting 404 on /login itself for a while, and then finally got the login page after seeing this thread. Logging in at that point returned a 404 after submitting the login form – but it did actually succeed at logging in, it just didn’t redirect me correctly to the main page.

After logging in, I’m still seeing tons of 50x errors. e.g. had to reload the “reply” link about a dozen times to get the comment submission form to show up; I think something is timing out when I get that sort of error. Maybe that’s part of what “For the next few hours, there might be issues with communication in the fediverse.” means in ernest’s message?

I’m also seeing 404 when I go to https://kbin.social/newest?p=2 – which is rather strange since https://kbin.social/newest?p=3 works.