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Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


So many things we need before a sports team. My own bias showing but especially mlb…snooze fest.

This is the progressive equivalent to thoughts and prayers from conservatives. A meaningless gesture that makes the user feel better and that’s about all it does for solving the real problem of getting legitimate help for homeless folks that allows for some accountability on their part and starts cleaning up the city for the rest of the population to use again.

lol, I don’t ride a bike on the roads mostly because of people like you who can’t control their emotions enough to not do some crazy shit. Why don’t you move out to like Pendleton or some shit and you won’t have to deal with all your unwanteds.

Yes, let’s murder people for breaking rules….and remove safety factors for them that keep things between cars and bikes separate to begin with.

I bet all the bikes in the city are less than 1% of 1 car probably given the entire lifecycle of each vehicle.

Can yall quit with the “woke” term in here? For fucks sake we don’t need that brand of conservatism around. Go back to eastern Oregon or Idaho.

Agreed, I will hold out hope with Tina. She seems to be doing fairly well. Outside of measure 110 at least although I don’t know what her involvement in that was.

So all the people who should already be doing something about the city plus some rich guy. Great…

Not enough that it warrants attention. How much money do you think this campaign could cost? Also you don’t know if it’s targeted specifically to drive adoption from the Spanish speaking population. You’re all uptight for a nothingburger.

Not enough that it warrants attention. How much money do you think this campaign could cost? Also you don’t know if it’s targeted specifically to drive adoption from the Spanish speaking population. You’re all uptight for a nothingburger.

If that was the case then we’d have 0 issues if we just gave people a home and that’s bullshit. I don’t doubt these things are incredibly linked but they are still issues that can be addressed separately. I don’t doubt there are a ton of people who given the right opportunity could get themselves going again but there are also folks who won’t change themselves. I understand drug addiction is hard but that doesn’t change the fact that plenty of addicts will not change their habits unless forced, so what do you do with them once you’ve given them a place to live? It’s ok to continue an addiction in private? They just magically change their outlook and seek out assistance? That’s probably true for a chunk of folks but certainly leaves many out.

Opened a window last night and got the sweet smoke smell. Was wondering where it would’ve been coming from but that makes sense now.

If you’re buying from new seasons look for sisters coffee as well. They’re Oregon based down in Sisters. Water ave is great as well, and tend to be lighter roasts which I like. Also Coava coffee I think is from here as well. But I would say don’t go with stumptown. Not very good imo.