Black belt in Mikado, Photo model, for the photos where they put under ‘BEFORE’

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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Apr 25, 2021


That is a general problem in the internet, not only in Lemmy, images andother content can be copied, this you can’t avoid, it would even be imposible if you could delete embedded images in Lemmy, someone could have copied and pasted it somewhere else. But by using an imagesharer where you later delete the image, you also eliminate your origin as the author, since it no longer appears in your contributions in Lemmy or other sites.

Because of this, I never upload directly an image to Lemmy and others, using instead a sharing tool (FileCoffee, IMHO the best). With my account there I can easily delete the hosted image with which it disappear everywhere.

That’s the point. If you only read posts in your own lenguage, you miss 90% of the information in the web.

On social networks for a long time, with excellent translators available, I don’t really care what language a post is written in. In this way I have found a lot of information, new things and very interesting contributions, which I would have missed by using filters.

If the inbuid translator in your browser isn’t enough, these are anyway better (both FOSS). Maybe the best ones you can find. both multi-engine, full customizable. Translate full page, selection, words, inverse translation, more than 120 lenguages.



Imgur is spyware crap, since time I use FileCoffee, way better (host and share image, multimedia, videos, documents, PDF, presentations, text, apps, 100% free, encrypted, private, made in the EU), alternatively you can use (same, but only images, by default it delete the EXIF data, if exist).

Logical decision on the part of a journalistic medium, given that the fediverse has many more sources of information than a monolithic Big Brother traditional social network with mainstream users.

The fediverse is the best way to undermine the control of the web by big data brothers, its not so important if you use Mastodon, Diaspora, Friendica, Lemmy or any other decentralized network, cuestion of personal taste, need or preferences.

Fediverse controled by Cloudflare? ehmmm From GitHub, controlled by MS?


I think that it is irrelevant who creates an instance in a decentralized social network, anyone is free to do so, since it does not affect the other instances, except to give more stability to the federation as a whole.

Well, as I said, the app works fine and you can selfhost it as is. It’s certainly a mess that they abandoned this great app.

The chat (in Matrix) has recent contributions (in French, use a translator). It seems to be developing an improved version, Fractale 6. Apparently they keep System-D in the current state, since it has many users, so it continues to work online.!

Yes I know, but works fast and flawless. There is also a community still active and apart there are several forks. It’s usable. If you don’t trust the online version, you can host it also in your own server. It’s the best app of this type I’ve seen.

This has nothing to do with ethics, the difference, if ethics can be argued, is the ethics of the one who provides a social network, which in the centralized ones of a big company converges to zero, while in the decentralized ones like Mastodon, it depends on the one who provides a instance, very different between them, there will be unethical and others more. The rest is up to the users themselves.

You are not in @memes, but in @fediverse.

Vivaldi social, Mastodon social, Climatejustice rocks, Todon eu, and some others as i find interesting things browsing the fediverse

Fake, John Mastodon don’t exist. This social network was created by Eugen “Gargron” Rochko in 2016. He use the name Mastodon, because he is a fan of the Band “Mastodon”, similar of this one use the name “Lemmy” in memoriam of this musician of Motörhead Ian Fraser Kilmister, called Lemmy, died in 2015. The name John Mastodon is a misleading of the slogan Join Mastodon.