French, speaking English and Spanish.

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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Mar 11, 2021


I tried Funkwhale a long time ago. Docker support was horrible, and I had to CLi to import média.

Anybody knows if this is still the case ?

To my knowing, there is no such post.

This community is not very active, so technical questions might drag some attention.

Had this happen to me with an EP I was working on as a sound engineer / producer.

When the guitar was not simply doubled and paned L/R which was a bit too obvious most of the time, I had fun keeping the guitar at around 80℅ left and placing FXs for the voice and guitar on the opposite side. Worked quite well.

I started seriously learning about photography in 2008. No fancy smartphones at that time. I really enjoyed learning on a cheap and used Canon EOS400D and the cheap canon 50mm f1.8. Something similar would probably be the 4000D today. Then I read and watched videos about aperture, shutter speed and ISO. I am pretty much happy to have learnt this way and now I can also take good pictures with my phone :D