• 11 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


That is very cool! Reminds me of the Wyvern attack animation from GBA Fire Emblem!

It’s very pretty and word of advice its never to early to start the assets grind!

I was a lonely child, my childhood was spent navigating the cruelty of my peers and the emptiness of a traveling merchants home. My mother passed when I was young and though my father was a wonderful man spent his life abroad to support us. So unfortunately I was in custody of a nasty women named Vickey Cheswell, or Miss Cheswell as she preffered. With a temper as short as a mouse and a public demeanor of a Saint, I found myself isolated and alone in this world. Well atleast I was until one faithful day. As I laid crying in my bed, I saw a shooting star pass by.. I loudly proclaimed "I wish I had a friend!!!". After I screamed, my bed rocked! Underneath a creature that I could only describe as hideous crawled out! As it loomed over me, the creature said "I heard you, I heard you cry many nights, it made me sad, I could not take it anymore... Would you like to play?". I was in shock but agreed...it was a great time, the creature was a great friend! As time went by this became a regular event. As I got older, I needed the creature less as I came into my own. When I turned about Twelve. I asked the creature if he lived under my bed and why he was so nice. The monster told me; "Yes I live under your bed, well I do right now but i have to go I think. I used to live in a hole on the side of a mountain not far from here. I grew up with no friends or family. I was very lonely myself and it made me very sad you were sad.. I slowly moved closer and closer until I got brave enough to come here.. In a city of thousands of voices I heard you crying and I felt your pain. I wanted to help. Now you are grown, strong and happy... I hear a little girl crying not far from here... I know you'll be alritr and be a good person.." That was the last time I seen him. Later in life I discovered that Goberlins were a very timid, caring and protective creature. Who often try to help but are demonized due to there appearance. Due to the example this creature set for me. I will use my families fortune to help crying children. I will open a orphabage called the Goberlin Bed! A place for crying children to grow up and grow strong. Alex Sventom- Owner of the Goberlin House

More monsters than one would think are intelligent and some even have the ability to hold conversations. Blackwing is one of those monsters initially believed to be a evil demon, early men lived in fear of the creature blaming them for problems that today can clearly be explained through science. The ancient Boliard Philosopher Nandigates heard rumors of the creature trying to coverse with humans and became overwhelmed with curiosity. He packed and headed to the mountains of Boliard seeking the creature. With luck one day the creature found him. The philososopher and the creature discussed things for days and nights. The philosopher luckily for us, wrote down all the conversations they had. The most talked about subjects were murder, nature and war. The creature being of the dark and wind family, broke pre conceived notions of dark creatures being evil. The creature often pointed out from his mountain he saw humans lie, cheat, kill and act in evil ways to this world everyday but he was conceived as evil because the way it was born. War and Murder were subjects the creature could not understand. The creature saw no harm in killing for substinance but it was a means to survival. The Philosipher returned to the city soon with his findings. Ironically as he shared his findings he was soon arrested and lit a blaze for conversing with a demon. -Bestiary of Ongalsa Pg 188

"I refuse to tip! The Service and food were terrible! On top of that the kitchen staff didn't lock the garbage shoot and I had to watch that green monster eat the waiter!!" -Restaurant Patron Karen Worsher

The eyes are concerned there’s a man in there home with a sword and torch:X Also very cool I can feel the vibe:)

So I've been working on a game as a complete scrub. You have probably all seen my newbie pixel art as well. After a lot of tinkering in GoDot I was able to open my first scene as a test and made these two lads chat. A small step but the first one. Picture for the memories.

Dragon Frog
Journal Entry Sir Issac Ramon 87th Expeditionary force: We were stationd in the west of Ivory town. Defending some nameless Bridge the higher ups deemed valuable. We considered it an easy choir We had numerous monster tamers myself included. As day broke on our first day, we were swarmed by the locals. Greeting us with bullets and monsters. It shouldn't have been a problem, another day frankly. Then that damn frog came from the river. Jumping from the water on to the bridge, collapsing a portion, we were caught off gaurd. It landed crushing many men and then released a toxic gas on the bridge. We had to retreat at that point. In the aftermath as we fled I looked back to the bridge we were protecting. It collapsed under the weight of the Frog.. Day 1 of our over sea journey, welcome to Ivory Town.

No worries buddy, I watched the vid. I’m trying to incorporate the technique :). I’m very green so appreciate it!

I appreciate this as this bothered me regarding slwobro and shelder. It’s just a legend to explain how they exist. But yes it is one monater. the mechanic im working on would be “breeding” a cloud with a red devil gives you the monster.

Zephyrhills are a species of cloud monster tradionally very destructive and aggressive. Legend goes a Zephyrhills wandered into a clan of Red Demons. demolishing them the cloud was pleased but heard a cry among its destruction. A baby red orphaned by the cloud's actions.. The cloud took pity and maybe even was remorseful. It took the demon baby in and a symbiotic relationship was formed. In which both became happy and changed there nature through bonding. Both became creatures of light, good and one in soul. If you see the two together your day will be blessed with happiness.

We were sent out to map the dense forest of our new colonial holding in South Suterland. As we went deeper into the woods, we noticed a low laugh in the darkness. The men shaken but determined carried on. Soon after belongings of the party began dissapearig. Nothing quite of note went missing early but slowly more important items began vanishing, a can of food, a pack of matches or in my case... ammunition and once again a laugh from the darkness louder each time. As we made camp for the night, boulders! Flung through the air as if a mountain came down on us! Laughter rang as I finally got a glimpse of the aggressor! A creature standing approximately 9 feet tall, red eyes, disproportionately large arms, exampling incredible agility and strength, launching boulders at us and having the time of it's life, laughing away! I orderd my men to open fire and luckily the creature returned to the darkness after eating a few rounds. It mournfully retreated as if this was a game and was no longer fun! There were notable casualties and we needed to retreat. We returned later with a team of Monster Tamers but we were unable to locate the creature. In my anxiousnes I ordered the forest to be set a blaze. Nothing was left... I'm sure we got the bastard.. but even as I have returned home to civilization I sometimes hear the laugh in the darkness. -Royal Scout Rifles 86 Division: Sargent Davis Brozier