More monsters than one would think are intelligent and some even have the ability to hold conversations. Blackwing is one of those monsters initially believed to be a evil demon, early men lived in fear of the creature blaming them for problems that today can clearly be explained through science. The ancient Boliard Philosopher Nandigates heard rumors of the creature trying to coverse with humans and became overwhelmed with curiosity. He packed and headed to the mountains of Boliard seeking the creature. With luck one day the creature found him. The philososopher and the creature discussed things for days and nights. The philosopher luckily for us, wrote down all the conversations they had. The most talked about subjects were murder, nature and war. The creature being of the dark and wind family, broke pre conceived notions of dark creatures being evil. The creature often pointed out from his mountain he saw humans lie, cheat, kill and act in evil ways to this world everyday but he was conceived as evil because the way it was born. War and Murder were subjects the creature could not understand. The creature saw no harm in killing for substinance but it was a means to survival. The Philosipher returned to the city soon with his findings. Ironically as he shared his findings he was soon arrested and lit a blaze for conversing with a demon.

-Bestiary of Ongalsa Pg 188

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