• 8 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jan 25, 2021

DAWproject: Open exchange format for user data between Digital Audio Workstations
Bitwig and Presonus just released an open source exchange format between DAW. It would even transfer automation data which seemed to be until now a pain point. I think it's a good thing to be able to collaborate with other musicians easily. So what do you guys think?

Could you please elaborate on your usecase and workflow?

There’s no FOSS plugin doing all of what Thimeo offers. You can get close with a lot of processing, but not the same.

I really don’t get it. 200€ for a plugin where you can get a hardware version for roughly the same price, or that can be recreated with basically any soft synth. And there are tons of 303 plugins, both paid and free.

Looptober 2022
# Looptober 2022 The goal is to make one loop every day in october. I'll try to tackle it, create a bunch of hopefully nice stuff and learn. ## Are you in? Post your loops here

OT-Simian, an open source retro drum machine
Punk Labs just released **OneTrick Simian**, an audio Plugin drum machine perfect for this **vintage drum sound**. If you're doing any kind of *retrowave, synthwave, vaporware* etc, it's just perfect. Give it a try and tell us how you like it. And share your music. And I really like their website and marketing!

Free Risers Sample Pack!
I did a sample pack for musicians using a modular synthesizer a while ago. It's made of 23 Risers for different music genres. I hosted it for a while on another platform, and as I'm moving to a more robust solution, I want to share it again with you all #musicians. The risers are CC0, there's no E-Mail trap, no tracking, nothing. They are entirely free. Click the link, download them, et voilà! cloud.samuelaubert.eu/nextclou… Enjoy, make music

Zrythm DAW - beta release
# zrythm just released its beta version. go give it a try, it's a really promising DAW, free software, multiplatform. Good looking. And "modern". And with a chord track.

So, what's your favorite audio mixing plugin for linux at the moment?
A classic question, but as linux audio is getting bigger and bigger and even I can't cope with all the great new plugins, I'd be glad to hear what you all are using in order to make great mixes.

**Zrythm** is a new (still in alpha version) DAW on the not overly crowded FOSS DAW market. It's aimed at music producers, not necessarily engineers like ardour. What I like a lot, is that it does a bit of everything, borrows nice concepts here and there, here are a few examples. - Dragging the bottom right corner of a region duplicates the region. - It supports all linux plugins format (I'm looking at you LMMS) - It has a nice plugin browser, a monitor section and you can easily export stems (I'm looking at you qtractor) - I has a chord/scale helper, perfect for creating solid harmonies. - It has a solid MIDI system (looking at you ardour) - It does audio and MIDI, od course - You can modulate parameters using a modulator track (think modulate your pan or just any plugin parameter using an LFO) It's not entirely stable yet, there a quite some little things to iron out, but it's already usable, testable, and the dev is really reactive. Please report bugs (you can even do it per email, without singing in) and support the project if you can.

Parallel Compression on the Whole Mix – the ‘Rear Buss’ Technique
## great audio mix tip to thicken a complete mix and bring important elements forward: It's a **parallel mixbus compression** technique from Andrew Scheps. No need to watch the 10 minutes long video here it is: - create a **bus** with any kind of compressor. - **send all tracks** except the drums to this bus. The sends have be **post fader**. - **Compress** the bus aggressively (fast-medium attack, fast release, 4:1 ratio up to 10dB gain reduction) - bring the **bus fader up** until it blends and thickens all your front elements. - Play with your compressors **characters**, try different ones etc. That's the creative side. -Enjoy