• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 28, 2023


No, they’re just like “let me check this text while I make this turn”

I’m voting for Trump because he hasn’t done anything bad as a second term president.

My council member from my last city has 11 staffers, also a council of 12 for a city of 2M

Green Crab starting to invade Oregon coast
Learn to identify them and help remove them. They’re edible and also make good fertilizer.

Franzbrot is delicious, super cinnamony, crispy flakey top, soft-moist interior. Only issue is there is a sauce in there that I guess maybe I needed to heat up more, because it was very toffy-like in texture, and wasn’t the most pleasant thing to eat bc it was sticking to my teeth, but again, maybe just needs to be served a bit warmer.

Best Cinnamon Rolls in Portland?
I pulled this list from *somewhere else* and was wondering if anyone had any opinions on these, or any additions. Fat City - Massive Fressen Bakery's Franzbrot - No frosting, croissant dough, lots of cinnamon Kinnamons Grand Central Iced Brioche Cinnamon Roll Hail Snail - Vegan and gluten free Shoofly - Perfectly simple Sweet CoCo G Gabriel's Bakery Stand at Hollywood Farmers Market Buffalo Gap? Petite Provence Milk Glass Market - Preorder on Fridays for Saturday Pickup - Walk-ins stock permitting Stepping Stone's Cafe Posie's Cafe in Kenton Zupans - Particularly the cream cheese frosting is good An Xuyen Bakery Hungry Heart Bakery Tom's Pancake House Carols Corner Cafe in Vancouver Edit: Just found this: https://www.pdxcinnamonrolls.com/

Love the pic of the car parked in the “bike lane”

Hmmm… this is why I have like 15 lemmy apps on my phone. Every app is a random selection of features, and no app seems to do everything

the city seemed like somewhere she could really see herself heartlessly displacing families in the future.

Uh, I guess I am part of the gentrification problem. Idk how to not be while improving my QoL. Give away all my proceeds and keep living at the same (fairly low but above homeless) standard that I’ve grown up with?

I know it’s satire, but the point is, it’s making a point with sarcasm, right?

Wife and I went out on a trek in that area, there are definitely some longer hikes connecting multiple falls through the hills.


Why respond to my post twice, but not my reply to your first comment?

How is this not a more common talking point? This seems like a pretty clear explanation for the severity of the situation, maybe that money will be all the difference. Maybe not, but if it was part of the original plan… we got to give the original plan a chance to work.

  1. We’re on the same page about the war on drugs being a sham from the beginning.
  2. I’m aware of all of that. Not sure what you’re trying to say with that statement.
  3. I’ve been here for 5 months, I’m still getting a lay of the land in many respects, and especially with regard to how I can go about helping the community.
    3.1 Why aren't you doing more? I don’t know where my time/energy/money is going to have reasonable impact. Part of the reason for this post was to seek out information and encourage discussion.
    3.2 volunteer I think getting involved with Code for PDX is a reasonable first step for a developer new to the area.
    3.3 educate I’m more of a computer person, so… here I am. I haven’t come across any research papers on how to stop drug use in Portland Oregon, but I’ll direct my future readings based on what I can learn about the Portland specific issues.

Not sure how I was being inflammatory, I was just stating some things that I believe to be true, and asking questions about Portland’s struggles. Theres lot of evidence that criminalization and law enforcement aren’t effective ways of dealing with drug problems. And theres evidence that decriminalization can work, when paired with sufficient services and harm reduction.

So, based on what I know (and feel free to correct, or further enlighten me), it seems clear that more needs to be done in the way of harm reduction and services for those with drug problems. But this city really seems to care, to want to do good things… so I ask why aren’t we doing more. What is the reason that the services aren’t there?

Maybe there’s something I can do that will make an impact. If more volunteers are needed, then I’ll volunteer. If policy just isn’t where it needs to be, i’ll advocate, or hell maybe run for office.

This is a way in which I engage with my community. And I am not terrified, nor republican, nor a stooge. I’m not even sure how you came to the conclusion that I’m republican. I’m hoping that we don’t keep trying to solve this problem with law enforcement (Like Kotek is focusing on right now) and instead focus more on the treatment of the drug users (which seems like an afterthought from what I can tell)

Where's all the drug treatment and harm reduction?
I rewatched an old but [good video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJUXLqNHCaI) on the war on drugs. And it reminded me, that tlaw enforcement is AT BEST 1 step ahead of *some* criminals. But that the criminal element is always rapidly adapting, and the best thing we can do against drugs and crime is to focus on the demand side. We legalized the drugs, but didn't do the more important half of that solution, treatment and services for the drug users. So, why aren't we doing more? Who dropped the ball? Are we doomed to just keep throwing more law enforcement at the problem?

It’s come to my attention of tire wear = microplastics

Obviously still much much less pollution, but some

It’s not just because it’s meta, it’s because they are going to scrape up all the data they can get (even if it’s just normal fediverse stuff) and pipe it into their data mining operation. They could probably easily do it without us noticing, but if we know they’re doing it… then it’s worth talking about. And reasonable for people to dislike.