Not from State Farm. Sorry to disappoint. I’m just a half-Iranian American exploring the fediverse. I am interested in science, tech, philosophy, animals, comedy, a wide range of music, and even politics. Though the politics in my country are plain depressing atm.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 20, 2023


I’m not sure what the rules mean by “comment on your post”.

LMN 3: An Open-Source DAW-in-a-Box
cross-posted from: > I've never seen computer keys used in place of piano keys before though I am sure being able to customize the feel of the switches is pretty nice. Are there production midi controllers that do the same?

The problem I ran into is that this camera only has 2 f-stop settings: 3 and 7. Which means I can only adjust the shutter and iso. Also it can only shoot jpg files. I didn’t think I was pissing and moaning. I just wasn’t sure if such a limited camera would teach me the right lessons.

This camera is free to us. I do not have to buy it though I have already run into some issues with it. My budget would probably be around $200.

So I found a cheap bridge camera that I have free access to. Is it worth learning on.
I have free access to a family member's camera but it really isn't the best. I think it has a 1/2" sensor though the sensor is not listed anywhere on the box or in the manual which I guess is a red flag. Should I wait and save up more money to buy a better camera or could I use this one to learn on?

Why do so many videos and even online camera stores call the 4/3 type sensor "Micro Four Thirds" when Micro Four Thirds is a mirrorless camera mount format?
I get that they sound similar but they absolutely are not the same thing and its use implies that there are only mirrorless cameras.

[Meta] Is there a thread or pinned post to ask basic technical questions or about gear?
Or do I just make a post when I think of something to ask? I just don't want to clutter people's feeds if they are expecting cool photos.

Oh the description was using the present tense so I thought it was already made rather than just an idea.

Couldn’t you just download a file containing your follow and ban list and upload that to a new account?

Implimenting a voting system to kick out poor quality moderaters would be nice.