Professional Software Developer • Hobbyist Musician

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


As with any creative field, the proces is:

  1. Try something
  2. Get stuck
  3. Overcome the problem
  4. Repeat

So the key part is to do things that are fun to you so you stay motivated.

My route started with learning an instrument (trumpet and drums) from a teacher. That way I learned the basic music theory. But everyone’s path is different. I don’t think there is a general way to learn.

For example: If you want to learn to make beats. That’s a skill you can develop without a complicated DAW. I would but Koala Sampler for Android or iPhone, record some simple sounds from your environment and try to recreate drums from songs you like.

Then you have learned one of the skills needed to progress to the next step. And when you start to learn a DAW, you’ll already have the drum programming skill available to apply there.

I’m probably just not trained to spot these things in context. I’m just a hobbyist musician.

I actually don’t hear a difference 🤷🏼‍♂️ so maybe make clear to the noobs what the difference is they are supposed to hear? Also, but that might be a personal thing, I am a bad reader so focussing on audio and reading text at the same time is near impossible. (But that probably good for views since I had to play it three times).

I LOVE the idea of wireless. But I haven’t been able to get to to work reliably. To me the latency was absolutely too much. I suppose if you never play anything but use a piano roll or sequencer instead it might work.