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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Can I put focus on the “record video” button as I do not use the video features of my camera? Just not into video.


I tried several things and lost track of some of them. It seems my focus point is staying put now - it is just off-center but close enough to make me happy.

I see - Getting that shot is a lot harder than mine - trees and flowers don’t move as fast as racecars. My eye is especially pleased by shots that use depth of field.

So there might be a way for me to designate a subject and then have the camera watch that subject while it moves through shadow or bright light and also maintain proper focus while I decide the proper framing and the moment to record?

I put the focus marker on the subject where I want the focus to be, then I would hold the shutter button down part way and re-compose the shot, then press the shutter button the rest of the way to shoot.

I just checked to see if Touch and Drag was on - it was off. I turned off “whole screen servo”, but I am not sure what that really is, I thought it was for video.

Canon EOS R50 Autofocus question {solved-unknown solution}
New camera, nube photographer. In my R50 the autofocus area can be selected and moved around, but can it be locked to the center? I currently have it set to the point focus, so the smallest focus area, but I find that the box that shows where the camera is focusing moves around (no faces involved or vehicles) Usually the focus square jumps up and to the right, and sometime moves around while I am trying to compose the shot. Is there a way to lock it down so it will stay in the center? Update: I tried several things and lost track of some of them. It seems my focus point is staying put now - it is just off-center but close enough to make me happy.