Since I guess everything is political these days, I’ll identify as extremely liberal but without a home in US politics.

Mainly, there’s so much misinformation out there that people in society have trouble even organizing into coherent political groupings. So I’d rather not talk about politics but instead focus on information and education. Nothing else matters until the bedrock of fact is buttressed.

But… people are always going to be wrong on the internet, as the saying goes.

So: Old man yells at clouds is a famous joke from The Simpsons, and it probably fairly describes what we do when venting on social media.

Just speaking into the void, since I figure it’s an exercise in futility to conduct discussions on these platforms.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 13, 2022


@sabreW4K3 Well that’s a pretty nonsensical take.

The use of some decentralization techniques? It is decentralized because it uses decentralization techniques, and that’s all there is to it. It is far more decentralized than this platform because of the techniques it uses. It focuses on users instead of centralizing around instances.

From the point of view of power dynamics? GTFO with that BS.

No, BlueSky is decentralized. It is more decentralized than this platform. These people are trying really really hard to bend things and find problems that don’t really match reality.

And they need to be called out over it.

I really wish this platform was more decentralized, but that’s not how the engineers designed it, and we need to call them out over it.