Born and living in Finland. Pro: capitalism reined in by democratic socialism and Green ideology, truth, FOSS, EU federalism. Anti: tankies, nazis, Russia in its current form and all other types of fascists; harmful parts of religion, lying. Hobbies: martial arts, music, gaming.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: May 16, 2022


I’m a proponent of free markets, but I also think that social media should not be provided by them. Destroying Twitter and Reddit alone won’t be enough, since Facebook or new companies etc. will replace the void left by them. Even Mastodon is a bit of a risk, since there’s essentially nothing that protects from a single large entity pooling up resources, using marketing tactics etc., taking a majority of the network and then doing the good old embrace and extinguish move.

This needs global legislature to be fixed, and unfortunately the world does not seem to be moving towards a direction where that sort of thing could be achieved. EU is the best actor in this space currently, and that’s not a high hurdle. And EU is probably not taking over the world.