Unatributed 👤 ☑

Formerly known as SndChaser on several networks, I spent years working in #IT and #Tech. However, since the pandemic I have switched to #writing and explore of my love of #music, #audio and numerous other topics. Recently I have found a love for #games and #gamedev, more specifically an interest in #vn / #visualnovels. Check out my links below for my information about my various websites and projects. #fedi22

I’ve actually been on the #Fediverse since 2019. I migrated to calckey.social about a month ago. Lately most of my posting has been about #Twitter and the #Fediverse. (It’s a sickness - I know - hopefully I’ll recover someday…​:grin:​)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 23, 2023


@cyclohexane@lemmy.ml I don’t think there is one right answer to this. IMO - anyone can start an instance for whatever reason they want, which could be to have a topic specific instance.

This may have an advantage. For example of someone wanted to start a gaming instance of could bring all the existing forms into one place, and then add a bunch that aren’t on the other instances. This could make for a convenient one-stop location for gamers to find all the topics they are interested in.

Of course nothing is stopping a use from subscribing from a different instance of they so choose.