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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


They’re not telling (rightfully so) and hopefully won’t until all instances are fixed.

Fantastic write-up! Thanks for sharing so hopefully other people can avoid the same problem.

Well, it’s obvious that any public data can be “harvested” by anyone, but with federation there’s also the thing that data gets replicated among all the federated platforms so that each server has actually a copy of that data on it.

I wouldn’t want my posts being stored on their server as a consequence of being federated with them.

you can consume content from their users without being on their platform

Wanting to avoid them and then go getting their content nonetheless, doesn’t seem very coherent to me.

The point of the article is not that defederation should be used as a management tool, but that it can be very effective in protecting the fediverse from becoming a monopoly play among big corps only.

See, you said it yourself, “don’t see tier 1 ISPs de-peering each other”, “don’t see major providers blackholing major providers”, “major players don’t de-peer other major players”, you talk about big players only not blocking each other, but that misses the point of small players being blocked out by the big ones.

quote from the article:

Blocklists for email exist and are shared across services – and blocking is often pre-emptive, not based on suspicious behaviour of that server. Sure, email is an open set of protocols, but it’s also highly restricted by large companies and not at all open to either smaller providers or individuals.

This isn’t just an abstract issue: I know of friends who have had to abandon email servers they ran themselves, sometime literally on a box in the corner of a home office, because the big corporations that dominate email simply wouldn’t deliver anything they send.

That’s the risk, corporations are not stupid, they see the potential in the fediverse right now but they have the nasty habit of “embracing, extending - not always extinguishing but making it almost impossible for new competitors to enter the market”.

They could totally ruin the fediverse if left unchecked.

Are mastodon users really going to to use meta alternatives? Isn’t the purpose of the fediverse to escape corporations control?

Why would anyone in their right state of mind, go from a free alternative (as in free speech, not free beer) back into the hands of a corporation?

How much do you think is the percentage of bot accounts?

Probably half of them are bots.

Is Lemmy having problem with bot farming?

Yes, and it’s quite serious.

The bright side IMO is lemmy is being recognized as a valid alternative to reddit, if it wasn’t, bots would have no reason to try and be here.