• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


You didn’t cite anything but made up numbers and images with no source. I can do the same. But I can also look outside and see no one is doing anything, despite your feelings on the matter.

You have to want to be helped and seek out help. That’s not actually helping the people I’m talking about and you’re aware of that.

Man, I wanna be in this industry where making a difference doesn’t matter and timelines are measured in years.

Portland is fucked.

What’s the phone number I can call where a person will come get them, get them off drugs and off the street and rehabilitate them? And what if they say “go away?”

We aren’t able to force “help” on people who don’t want help. So now what?

Which one of these would be the one who gets the homeless people downstairs off the street and off of drugs? Every night one of them is pacing the block, screaming at the top of their lungs as they argue with themselves for hours. I need sleep.

  • homeless
  • drug addict (probably)
  • mentally Ill

Feel bad for them…. But I’m not going to suffer with them.

Pointless. No mental health? Lol. This is just a clinic and no one will do anything with the money besides pocket it.

Got an address. Of one? A date? Nah

Where can I find information on the status, due date, and how the money is being spent?

When? Next decade? They’re not doing anything. Absolutely nothing.

  • Make drugs legal.
  • hand out tents
  • allow people to park makeshift trailers on residential streets
  • ignore all pleas from locals to get git rid of meth labs and homeless camps outside their homes
  • stop responding to 911 calls pretty much at all (try calling 911. Lmk how long it takes)

Whatever I can go on and on.

I get that Portland is trying not to fuck with the people at the bottom, but if they don’t do anything, that’s all they’ll have left.

I say this as I browse for housing outside of Oregon because I’m sick of mentally ill drug addicts screaming out all night long as they wander the streets around me.

While I agree with you, they never ended up getting them help. So now they’re smoking on my doorstep—literally—and they still have no resources.

You can have the drugs. You can do they drugs. But if you do them and someone can see you—jail. What did we give all those tents out for?

Ok good. I’m all for moderating assholery, but r/Portland is just vindictive.