Centrist, progressive, radical optimist. Geophysicist, R&D, Planetary Scientist and general nerd in Winnipeg, Canada.

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lithogen.ca (business)

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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Do they also control email? As in all email servers that are “federated” with one another? Conspiracy thinking is dangerous. Maybe I work for “the feds”? Maybe you do and you’ve already been subverted against your own conscious wishes and this is a honeypot you’re posting?

At some point you have to trust something or someone or you end up in the trust-equivalent of solipsism.

I recommend this old paper from the early days of compsci – Ken Thompson: https://fermatslibrary.com/s/reflections-on-trusting-trust

The moral is obvious. You can’t trust code that you did not totally create yourself. (Especially code from companies that employ people like me.)

Take this and abstract. Eventually you’ll either need to be a wholly offline hermit, or accept that there is risk of subversion at every level and that risk must be tolerated in order to use the tech.

Yeah, good luck with that. Controlled given instances might be achievable, but the protocol will eventually route around the damage.

Feels like FIDOnet ;)