I put on my robe and wizard hat.

(I am in the UK and make TTRPGs. He/Him.)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


The server was torn to shreds by raccoons. That’s what I heard.

People using an instance that appears to try to act and communicate transparently and asks for donations from the community to run the platform, should actually be transparent in my opinion.

People can just go somewhere else, and no one is obligated to say or do anything, but users appear to value transparency, and I feel as a collective we should value open and honest discussion about issues like this rather than shutting it down or being confrontational or argumentative or rude about it.

It might be nothing, it might be something: either way, people are entitled to feel they deserve to be kept informed. Whether they are entitled to or not is a different kettle of fish.

That makes sense, hadn’t even occurred to me!

I also wonder if only the creator of the thread should be able to cross post it? Not sure if there is a reason why it does not behave like this at the moment - sure there is!