Estudante de Engenharia Informática apaixonado pela área; algures em Portugal.

Administrador da instância

Computer Science student, passionate about the field; somewhere in Portugal. instance administrator.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 10, 2021


The two biggest things are lifetime extensions and inline consts. Both will allow you to write more concise code and, in the case of lifetime extensions, may help eliminate some bugs, since you won’t need to work around that limitation anymore.

Challenge someone to a game of chess on the Fediverse!
I found this on ['s app list](, and instantly loved it. It's such a neat and well executed idea!

Agreed. I think a forum-like interface is much more apt to allow interesting and rewarding discussions. Never liked Twitter’s interface either, I only think it’s good to spread announcements and the likes, which benefit exactly from that “person yells at cloud” idea :P

Awesome! Welcome to Lemmy, I hope you have a great stay :D
Lurking is also always an option, I tend to do it myself quite a lot as well hehe

Wonderful to see good movements forward in the spec!

This is not an official Rust site, as far as I’m aware. Still neat though!