• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023

Cool AF eclipse photo from 2017
This just got boosted onto my Mastodon feed and I think it fits here.

Dude that looks like an oil painting! Nice shot!

Dude this looks like a sick Plasma wallpaper!

Pretty dark. My server’s not letting me upload the image right now but I’ll try to get it to ya.

I actually had to tint it more blue than it was originally lol

Seeing as I have zero skill at making things disappear with GIMP, this is very good!

Yeah I can definitely see what you’re saying. Here’s what Pixel magic eraser was able to accomplish:PXL_20231028_205840793~4

Speaking of post processing, I used magic eraser to see what it would look like: 1000008789

I will keep those tips in mind :)

Alright. I’ll try some of those ratios in later shots. I do like 1x1 because it makes any picture look like an album cover lol.

I can understand that. If I find myself getting really into photography, I might end up getting proper equipment but my Pixel 6a is good for now!

It’s definitely not a potato lol. I just wasn’t sure what the stance was on phone cameras vs “real” cameras.