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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Nothing stopping you from using cron, to run it with Docker :)

Yes, but in my opinion, running it with cron is a better option, it’s simply a more reliable scheduler than what I wrote.

Hey there, thanks for bringing to my attention. Frankly speaking, I believe both serve the same purpose, but I’m hoping mine would be a better experience in the long run. If you are content with Lemmony, then I see no reason to try mine out, no hard feelings either :)

EDIT: From the looks of it Lemmony subscribes to every instance known to man? I try to alleviate around that by only subscribing to the most popular of instances, but I’m not sure that actually alleviates the federation issues outlined in the Lemmony threads.

Hey there, thanks for bringing to my attention. Frankly speaking, I believe both serve the same purpose, but I’m hoping mine would be a better experience in the long run. If you are content with Lemmony, then I see no reason to try mine out, no hard feelings either :)

EDIT: From the looks of it Lemmony subscribes to every instance known to man? I try to alleviate around that by only subscribing to the most popular of instances, but I’m not sure that actually alleviates the federation issues outlined in the Lemmony threads.

For micro/personal server runners, I built a tool to automatically discover and add communities to your local instance :)


EDIT: For support requests, I’ve created https://lemmy.world/c/lsbsupport as well.