A hobbyist game dev, professional software engineer, and incremental connoisseur. I’m the creator of Profectus. He/him

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


pixelfed seems to be getting some really nice improvements at an incredible rate. Props to those devs!

I was looking into hosting a threadiverse app previously and was interested in kbin because lemmy was dealing with the csam stuff at the time and I liked the idea of combining microblogging into the threadiverse app. My overall takeaway from kbin though was that it was too new / missing too many features I needed, and development was slow enough that it felt like I’d have to implement all I need myself. So a community fork of an already not super active repo sounds… Well, I’m not optimistic about it, at least.

What’s the bad space? Based on them mentioning block lists, I’m guessing it’s a community that gets blocked by a lot of instances?

Fwiw, I think it’s totally fine for communities to defederate from other places en masse. The whole point of federation is for small, customized communities. If a community decides it doesn’t want x or y, then that’s fine. Individuals who no longer feel like they align with the community can find another or create their land.

I think it makes sense for a community to dictate what tags are allowed within that community. It’s a similar system to tags on reddit. The programming community would probably have tags for each paradigm, you just wouldn’t have to worry about people writing Vue, Vue.js, and Vue.JS as different tags.

Does a single user (or single family) instance need safe harbor protections? If it’s replicating potentially copyrighted content, would it be sufficient to just make it so you have to have an account to see any content?

Just as a heads up, anarchism doesn’t preclude monetization. Co-ops are anarchist alternatives to corporations and already exist in many of the more progressive areas of the US today. The principle is just to remove unjust hierarchies, and you can still do that as much as possible while living under capitalism. Sure maybe some have founded some anarchist commune and live completely cash free, but I think the majority are just trying to flatten the hierarchies as much as is reasonable, and acknowledge the necessity of money in our current society.

As an anecdote, I’m pretty far left myself and will regularly read and participate in anarchist communities, but am totally okay with people trying to earn money in an as fair and ethical way as is reasonable in our current society.

That last sentence is a bit annoying. Why wouldn’t I trust anarchists with data? Did they just pull up a definition of kolektiva without actually understanding what anarchism is? The last sentence really implies they’re using the incorrect but common definition of anarchism meaning “no rules” instead of the actual definition “no unjust hierarchies”

To clarify, that’s for them hosting the service for you, and is intended for enterprises mainly. You can self host element, since it’s open source, while only paying your own server costs, or just use an existing instance like on https://app.element.io