• 13 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Oct 28, 2020


a cover of U2 - Elevation called Federation someone come up with the lyrics and proper instrumental cover so that we don’t trip copyright

Something like BOINC but for hosting
You know [BOINC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_Open_Infrastructure_for_Network_Computing), the thing where you can donate your processing power to specific computational projects? Is there anything like that, but for hosting platforms / services? Something where you could say "I am willing to dedicate this much of my CPU, RAM and storage space to this project or this group of people". Say that I have a server that is more or less collecting dust, and I want to make it do something productive. I am aware of YUNOHost and alternatives, but that still requires me to choose which things to deploy and also somehow then offer that to the community. As a certified lazy dude, I would much rather say "here's the computer, use it for whatever you need the most". The issue I see with this is that my goodwill could be abused for hosting something inappropriate or even illegal, and then I would be held responsible. So there should be some transparency requirement or some other mechanism that helps prevents this. And yes, self-hosting would not be the accurate term to describe this kind of distributed resource sharing. "croud-sourced self-hosting"? "crowd-hosting" sounds like a good description for this phenomenon. Some implementation of this probably already exists. Please provide any relevant names or links that would help me find more about this.

Twitter vs Threads is More Interesting Than You Think
There is a decent section dedicated to Fediverse towards the end.

depends on your instance lol
the one that I am using is working juat fine
while fosstodon was down a few minutes ago
so the beauty of Mastodon is that it will fully down only arond the time that whole internet goes down

The link at “Lemmy has almost 20 pull requests on Github.²” points to kbin repo PRs instead of the intended Lemmy repo PRs.
also why the ² notation mark? at the bottom of the article, there is only one note, there does not appear to be the second one that this notation mark is supposed to be pointing to.

This is what Instagram’s upcoming Twitter competitor looks like
> The new standalone app will be based on Instagram and integrate with **ActivityPub**

Nextcloud Hub 5
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/1235039 > https://nextcloud.com/blog/introducing-hub-5-first-to-deliver-self-hosted-ai-powered-digital-workspace/

in long term, yes

but we will have to improve it a lot before it becomes so easy that even the most smoothbrained individuals can use it

by instagram

Isn’t Instagram owned by Facebook / Meta?> test

what exactly does “locality-specific” mean here?
https://fediverse.observer/map seems to show more instances, but I guess those additional ones are not locality-specific?

No, Commafeed is the new Google Reader.

But article is correct about RSS being awesome. More info sources should utilise it.