Seph Harrison♊ ✅

An old coffee addicted ☕, pizza 🍕 loving queer stumbling 🚶around STL and the web 🌏. MLP fandom fan, MLP proofreader, sometimes furry 🐾, often a centaur, sometimes an umamimi. 🤯

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 26, 2022


@ImOnADiet Forgot to respond, sorry. I’m referring to finding communities, that doesn’t work too well, so maybe indexing all the communities would help with that, it could be done in a DNS like way where the same index is available on multiple servers to reduce the load on any one of them. This might also help with community fracturing (same subject on multiple instances) too.

@jax Friendica is an option, not sure it’s the best for photos, but it certainly allows long posts

@ImOnADiet Oh? More to the point, I think it’s size is a byproduct of confusion, finding an instance, or more importantly, finding a community, is tricky, as there doesn’t seem to be an easy way and obvious way to find them like Reddit it. Lemmy, or anything comparable (I think there’s two others, one dead, one live) needs to make it just as easy if they expect to grow. Creating a way communities could be followed similar to how users are followed would also help.

@ImOnADiet I’ve tried that before, and unfortunately it doesn’t bring up anything I follow on Reddit, like Canoo, St Louis (there are two tiny MO groups), or Ford Maverick, let alone any of the porn.

@ImOnADiet Ah, gotcha, I haven’t really gotten into Lemmy, I can’t quite figure out how to use it, searches for the things I follow on Reddit come up empty, so I’m not sure if’n they’re not there or I’m just not looking in the right place.
I think Lemmy would be a great replacement for Reddit if’n there was some kind of index for the groups on there, that way it doesn’t matter the server you’re on, you’re guaranteed to find what you’re looking for.

@ImOnADiet @Veritas I’m guessing Pawoo or Baraag, the latter allows anything that isn’t expressly illegal, so anything drawn, but limits on photos, the former is Japanese, and they have different laws regarding what’s allowed compared to the rest of the world.
As to instances, comes to mind, but I know there’s more out there as my little Mastodon instance is connected to a relay that’s basically all adult content (1 of 6 or so relays I use).

@ada @ada Gotcha. With all the forks there are, it’s hard to keep track of what they add, and then there’s all the little pieces like #Epcyon and #micropub

@ada #Epcyon claims to have this, I’ll prolly be finding out in the next month or so. I think #akkoma might too, that or #calkey

@muad_dibber @ragica Hmmm, likely hoping to give their writers a reason to stay, and federating will likely come when they feel that they need to leverage their brand to keep users from jumping ship.

@SteveKLord @poVoq Thing is that defense costs time and money, and the goal of these companies isn’t to win, but outlast you, since in most states, there’s no law against filing a BS lawsuit.

@Tucumano88 Friendica? I think it’s kinda like the old LiveJournal if’n that’s what you’re looking for.