20 years old, transfemme enby. born to :3, forced to :)

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 05, 2023

polyphony-chorus - Interacting with an Open Source Discord Clone
[Spacebar](https://github.com/spacebarchat/server) is an already existing, open-source reimplementation of the Discord.com API. Chorus aims to provide tooling to write software for and with Spacebar, using Rust. Polyphony was born out of my desire to finally learn Rust, and to write a client-application for Spacebar with it. However, things are never as straightforward as they seem. I sadly had to discover, that already existing Discord-libraries did not provide the set of features needed to properly connect to, and interact with a Spacebar instance. I have learned a lot in the past 4-5 months, in which I basically commited all my spare time to writing Rust and working on this project, and I am still learning a lot, daily. My greater motivation with this project is: - Enable Rust Developers to write Software for Spacebar - Eventually write my client in pure Rust, and to make it darn good - Provide an alternative server implementation to Spacebar-Server in Rust - Create tooling that can rival Matrixes Privacy and Security, while being as easy to use as Discord. I truly believe that self-hosted communications Software like Matrix is being held back through endless complexity, making it impossible to convince any layperson to actually give it a fair shot. Also, most of the Matrix clients I have tried so far are simply... not very user friendly. **Our end-goal is to create free, open-source and easy-to-use software, which can provide secure communication for the masses.** This library is currently in an early alpha-stage. *Most* APIs should be stable, but nothing is guaranteed, up until the 1.0 release. [Please check out Chorus and the Polyphony GitHub-org here](https://github.com/polyphony-chat/chorus) if you're so inclined, and perhaps leave a star and [join our Discord server](https://discord.gg/UM43wYawqe), if you'd like to follow the project more closely. :)

Rust, combined with its’ excellent tooling, is the only language that has managed to make me feel like a genius while writing code. It may not be for everyone, but I personally absolutely love the ergonomics, safety and performance promises the language makes.

The best one to use is probably the one you already know, right?