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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2021


IMO Friendica feels like beta software or outdated with no signs of improvement. Similar to how LibreOffice used to be for years. The layout is just not streamlined enough. It’s unnecessary complicated and the UI looks outdated on all themes.

According to my search Friendica is the best one for family/groups according to the interactions features compared to the other ones. But the downside/irony is that it can be less user friendly than the others ones IMO. Check for yourself to help you decide. Diaspora is a close second place.

  • For the author or anyone who wants to point out the obvious is for them to propose solutions, or partner with other to seek solutions.
  • For the problem with facebook is: for the people who are not too attached to it is to delete their account asap and seek more healthy social network(s). If you don’t want to delete your account but you don’t engage too much on it anyway then make it more private, and use it less and less while seeking more healthy social network(s). If you are a heavy facebook user that means you don’t value privacy (yours and everybody else), like being bombarded with Ads like a masochist, and already believe or is comfortable with frequent misinformation, and you are part of the problem; in that case I doubt any I say will change your mind, so you do you.
  • As for alternatives there is plenty but I exhort you to look at the fediverse apps. Mastodon and Pixelfed are good starting point.

…they end up eating the same shit they are complaining about.

They become part of the problem not the solution.

Yeah, but he did not wrote just a title, a headline, a a dictionary definition, or a tweet.

Oh! the irony. Points out facebook is not the best place, that is killing itself, that would like for a replacement to thrive but, makes no effort to promote a reasonable alternative. Its like when people say they are hungry but could not decide what to eat so they end up eating the same shit they are complaining about.