I was born on my birthday.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


That’s what I heard about kbin too. Doesn’t make sense to me, but I guess people like this kind of thing.

Yep that was my experience too. Deafened by the silence. Firefish was like that too. Lemmy’s nOt aS bIg aS rEdDiT but at least people reply to you here.

Cheers. I’ve tried kbin and it made no sense to me at all. Just signed up to firefish so I’ll see how it goes.

OK so it seems Diaspora* had great potential but sort of dribbled off into a void. Does anyone know of any similar platforms that are good? I’m trying to to find a few decent “social media” things that are better than Facebook, X, etc and it’s incredibly hard to find anything worth signing up to.

Well I still don’t understand, but now I know why I don’t understand. I barely know how to turn a computer on or off, let alone anything technical haha. But I think I kinda get what you’re saying. Thanks for explaining.

What do you mean by specifications?

Diaspora* - is it any good?
I just read up on it and it seems good, at least in theory. How does it compare to Lemmy, would you say?