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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


You mean the blog link? That’s an awful lot of articles. Is there a single sentence somewhere saying what it is?

What is the project anyway? It’s not obvious at all.

Nice, I will try to take a look at this. Unrar sounds like a good candidate for RIIR, because of all the weird bugs that the C implementations have had–same for things like info-zip and gzip.

I know of a version of zip compression written in Ada and it sounds much more trustworthy than the C version. Speed is about the same too. I don’t understand why it doesn’t get more use, other than laziness.

This seems like unnecessary fragmentation. Reddit became huge because it gave people interested in a topic a one-stop place to discuss their topic. Putting the interested people together gave a network effect that attracted even more participants.

Creating new discussion venues (subreddits, usenet groups) is generally only worthwhile if an existing venue gets too crowded or cluttered to discuss a niche topic, or the niche topic becomes big enough that the existing venue is happier if the niche splits off. Example: there is a general programming forum, Rust gets invented and people talk about it there, then Rust becomes a big enough topic that a Rust forum is warranted.

I’m a not-even-newbie to Rust but I’d be happier if the lemmy.ml and lemmyrs.org Rust forums somehow got merged. Because of federation, I’m basically indifferent to which Lemmy instance actually hosts it.

Meh, article is ok but not that informative. Tldr is that they like Rust, that new Rust programmers don’t take unbearably long to come up to speed, that the compiler is slow but the error messages are good, and that the main stumbling blocks are macros, async programming, and the borrow checkers.