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Cake day: Sep 02, 2023


Yeah that’s very true about RSS readers and FOSS options and the masses not being able to find them very well despite wanting it. Agreed it’s a good quotable conversation to have published. I am just frustrated that we so seldom see talk about what we can do about it, what comes next?

While I appreciate this article and those like it, too many of these types of articles don’t focus enough on the solution. I expected an article titled “how to save” to offer more solutions to what can be done, but that’s mostly left to a single paragraph about being more intentional and thoughtful and “sitting with your own feelings.”

If something isn’t done to actually change the consumerist culture and insidious marketing models and data collection practices, we’ll have another article like this in another few years, like we have had every few years. We were talking about filter bubbles when I was in high school over ten years ago. It’s only gotten worse.