Admin of a lot of fediverse servers, among which the .world ones:


You can find me on these servers as @ruud

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


I have the containername as last , but it wrapped to a new line. I’ll change that to make more clear

Docker container logging
I see many questions, thought I'd make a post :-) So when running Lemmy in Docker, you'll see your `/` filesystem gets filled up quickly. That's mainly in `/var/lib/docker/containers`. It's the logging of the containers. Docker will default save all logging. Also when you `docker-compose stop` and restart, the logging stays. Only when re-creating the containers (`docker-compose down;docker-compose up -d`) it will clear the logs. ## Why is my container logging this much? In the `docker-compose.yml` you'll see an environment variable `RUST_LOG=` which is set to `info`. This logs all informational messages. You can set this to `warn` instead to only get warning and error messages. (Requires container recreate) ## How to manually cleanup the log without restart You can find the log of a container with ``` docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' <containername> ``` You can then wipe it by typing `'> '` (so greater than followed by space) followed by the file path+name. (Removing it while the container runs wil not really remove it, you'll just no longer see it but it still exists and grows as long as the container runs) ## How to prevent logs from growing too large You can set a max for log file size in your `docker-compose.yml` using these lines for every container: ``` logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "100m" ```

Not a rule yet, but please mark the account as Bot.

Also there aren’t rules (yet?) about number of posts a bot can make. Just try not to flood the federated timeline.

Also, I just suspended the @AppleMusic account on our server as their name and logo’s are copyrighted by Apple so they summoned us to take it down. Please use names and images that aren’t copyrighted.

My instance allows rss feeds