• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


It doesn’t have to be a either/or. I am just saying: If you are looking for a place to write, maybe a blogging platform would be more suitable than a link sharing/discussion platform?

You can still stay on both.

Take a look at WriteFreely. It is more focused on writing long form and blogging and also works really well with other fediverse software.

If you don’t mind me asking: how much are you paying per month?

That’s really thoughtful of you, but no need to worry. I’m still managing access to Lemmy manually, and only after I reach the 250 I will start giving the option to “upgrade” or check if the account is being used or if just squatted for the free slot.

That’s really thoughtful of you, but no need to worry. I’m still managing access to Lemmy manually, and only after I reach the 250 I will start giving the option to “upgrade” or check if the account is being used or if just squatted for the free slot.

I still have less than 250 users, so if you want to come over (or send people here) feel free to do it.

If you go to https://communick.com you can sign up and subscribe to any of the services. Your account is authorized after you sign up. You get 14 days as a free trial. If you don’t pay, the account is locked again.

It is not just the number of users, but also the number of communities and subscribers.

I believe that an instance can reach 10k users and have a couple hundred communities without too many issues, i.e, you could run things on one well-tuned database, perhaps add master-slave replication and scale your webservers horizontally.

I do have in my mind that if my instance ever gets to this size (fingers crossed), I will close registrations and only open again to replace churned customers.

In some ways, I think what I am trying to do with communick is very similar. I am just being very careful to avoid the things that (IMHO) killed them.

  • they wanted to charge $99/year for access. From everyone. That is completely unrealistic. My basic access costs $10/year, and it can cost even less if you join as a group.

  • they went the YC route. Got money, and with it the responsibility to grow at all costs. I just want to build something that can be sustainable and that can give me the resources to keep working on interesting open source projects.

You do know you can’t make money out of any fediverse software

this very thing would go against the TOS of Mastodon, Peertube, and other fediverse software

you cannot legally add premium features or recommendation algorithms to already existing fediverse software or any fork of it.

You are making things up or you don’t understand how the AGPL works. There is no “TOS” for the fediverse software.

Don’t believe me? Go ask the Mastodon devs themselves if there is anything irregular/illegal about any of the things I am working on or proposing.

push profiles for you to see (…) contradiction with an option on one of your polls

Recommending profiles to follow is already part of the onboarding process, and is not in any way equivalent to “pushing profiles for you to see”.

Look, I really tried to keep an open mind about this conversation, but now you are distorting the truth and I can’t tell if it’s for ignorance or dishonesty. I think it’s time to end it. Have a nice one.

What you want is to make money out of decentralised social media.

By providing a service and building things that can improve the ecosystem, not by rent-seeking.

None of what I am doing or thinking about doing is exclusive. Managed Hosting? Subscriber-only accounts? Add-on features? What is so evil about these business models?

People offering their services and talent for money already exist on the fediverse.

So what is your problem with my polls?

Some of which are characteristical of corporate social media…

What is “corporate” about that?

Monetisation of any kind is against the mere idea of federated social media.

Again, opinion-as-fact.

People com here to be away from corporations, advertising and the like.

Okay, let’s see where you are going with that…

The model of social media that seeks to make social networking into a business model is in crisis

That does not follow from your the first sentence.

Not every business is a “corporation”. Not every professional that provides a service for money is a rent-seeker.

The fact that there are “business coming to the fediverse” does not mean that they can only operate on the same (failed) business models from Big Tech.

If you bothered to look into the polls I did in the original submission you’d see that I do not want to apply the Silicon Valley playbook here. If you go take a look at my first blog post about communick, you would see that the last thing I want to have is a “Corporation” in the Fediverse, but instead I want to have it strong and attractive enough for small, independent service providers, so that it can become a mainstream alternative and not just a niche for outsiders.

I really don’t mind disagreement. What bothered me:

  • your use of the “Royal We” to express a personal opinion.
  • not backing up said opinion with any type of argument, which makes it sound like you are simply stating it as a fact.

When you write like that, it gives no chance to have a productive conversation.

There were some ideas of adding tags like noindex or nosearch to their profiles as a way to indicate they don’t want to be listed in public search results. We can, e.g, de-boost any post from a profile with those tags.

Will make a follow-up post next week when the poll ends.

Re: search in Mastodon. The anti-search crowd is a minority, and as the fediverse grows they will become less relevant. Anyway I think we can build a search engine that can respect their wishes and keep them out of the index.

A series of polls asking for feedback about what improvements people want to see in the Fediverse.
I believe that the Fediverse can and should be more than a niche thing for those that reject Big Tech. I also believe that to get there we will need businesses, service providers and professional developers who work on it because they are motivated by more than just "community values" and goodwill. For example, I have quite a bit experience with distributed systems and I know I could work to make Lemmy federation more efficient, but I can only do that if I can secure a stable income. Please follow the linked Mastodon thread and vote on the polls. The idea is to find out if there are enough people willing to pay for services that can ease their pains with Mastodon/Lemmy/Matrix.

There was no “Extinguish”. XMPP still continues on.

By the way, Facebook also did the same. The original Facebook Messenger was based on XMPP as well.

How to be approved for our Lemmy instance
For [Communick](https://communick.news), I will be using reddit as part of the approval of new registration requests. What do you think of this policy?