i prefer using mastodon on public devices tbh idk if public network infrastructures would wig out if they saw all the instance i connect to lol

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Cake day: Mar 24, 2022


@Hexorg I agree, to a degree. Generally I support federation without cooperation, if that makes sense. The sole purpose of federating with #Meta should be to get people to leave #Meta.

@Hexorg Hmm IDK. I disagree on moderation, I don’t think any #Fediverse admin would trust #Meta enough to use their software for moderation.

The only case I could see for something similar happening is if #Meta forked existing software, added features people wanted, and then closed the source; but admins won’t take kindly to that either.

Now, maybe if people start moving away from #Meta’s #Project92 / #Barcelona / #Threads, then those reports will start to pile up, but that’s a net negative for #FaceBook in terms of userbase, not a net positive.

If I was #Meta, I wouldn’t be making server software, I’d be making a custom client with embedded ads to monetize the content from other folks’ content. Which could actually lead to an “embrace, extend, extinguish” situation, much more likely than what #Meta is doing right now.


> Lemmy is small so it gets more feature requests than it can code up.

Why? From who? Are a lot of #Meta users who are on #Project92 / #Barcelona / #Threads *really* going to be submitting feature requests for a software that they don’t use?

> Meta comes in and looks at the most requested feature that’s been put on lemmy’s backlog. Let’s say it’s some mod tool. Maybe even AI mod tool that sorts comments based on sentiment analysis.

What are the chances that this is something so significant that people would be willing to switch software over it?

> use lemmy and face flood of trolls in their communities

Where are these users coming from? This is already a problem on the #Fediverse, and we already know how to deal with it.

This scenario you’re pitching seems wildly implausible.

@jherazob I care more about the effects than intent in this case.

#Meta’s #Threads / #Barcelona / #Project92 doesn’t have the ability to do anything actually negative to the #Fediverse except potentially overload small instances with a flood of traffic.

I don’t get the fearmongering; lots of talk about “breaking the #Fediverse” coming from people who aren’t really doing a good job of articulating how exactly a new #Fediverse software–because that’s all this is at the end of the day–will break an entire network of software that already works with each other.


what the heck makes you think that all the #Fediverse users are just gonna leave for #Meta because federation with it is “annoying”? lol

@MyMulligan @jherazob I disagree.

I think the key thing is to just make sure that you don’t use non #FOSS clients. #GoogleTalk started as a client for #XMPP, people migrated to it, and then #Google dropped support for #XMPP. If so many people didn’t use #GoogleTalk, the #XMPP network would have remained unimpeded.

@fu @GizmoLion @1337tux @DerWilliWonka @TheAngryBad I’m not on board with the selling part tbh, but I like the bot idea, it worked for #Reddit like the guy said

@Bicyclejohn @strypey I hear it’s addictive once you start using it.

I never started using it.

@Alkalyon @Bicyclejohn #Reddit was already toxic, but I guess now people will begin to recognize its toxicity.

@raccoon @videos is a #Lotide community, and I think you should be able to use it like you would a #Lemmy or #Kbin community, or a #Reddit subreddit.

@raccoon @WorriedGnome There’s a similar community over at @videos, but it’s not particularly active