Been on Mastodon.social since 2017.
In the 1980’s, Z80 assembler, later DEC assembler (RT-11, RSX-11), Fortran, etc

Our own company worked in wine in Bordeaux 20+ years. #Foodie #Cooking

I like to see new tech, art & culture, progress, positivity

Current employment :Composer, musician for over 56 years.
Published a SF novella in 2022, StingerBots.

Original music tracks, at least 180 of them online at https://ffm.bio/randulo

Free streaming on Bandcamp: https://randulo.com

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 05, 2022


@mkoubik @ajsadauskas @bmaxv That’s a great point if it were possible. An expert reply to a forum, if done properly, would be appreciated. IOW, value added from someone whith knowledge or experience

@ajsadauskas @bmaxv as someone who frequented these niche forums extensively, i don’t see any reason to connect or federate them. This is done loosely by someone sharing from one to another, which could be to Mastodon. The spécialisation of sites like saxontheweb or electric heaters is the main attraction. Federating them would result in an unwanted dilution IMO.