The Pirate Post is a review of information for those who want to know the initiatives of the Pirates of the world

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 27, 2022


Fedfree, the Federation of Freedom
**[FEDFREE, THE FEDERATION OF FREEDOM](** Fedfree is a website aimed at teaching people how to run their own servers, of various kinds, on libre operating systems e.g. Linux and BSD. It aims to do this, using libre software exclusively, teaching people about the importance of libre software and hardware as it pertains to freedom; the right to use, study, adapt, share. The right to read. Universal access to knowledge… education. Education is the goal. The goal is to spread libre software ideology, while providing a practical means for people to know how to conduct themselves, such as: \- Advice about how to start your own projects \- How to get into computer science, electronics and other computer-related fields… with a view towards libre ideology \- How to run and maintain your own infrastructure, free from interference, completely hardened against intrusion \- Link to resources, covering many different topics. For example, when to use FreeBSD vs OpenBSD or vice versa, or situations where Linux might be better, comparing various servers e.g. postfix vs opensmtpd \- Other examples of links to resources could include: links to books about programming languages, networking concepts, from beginner level all the way to BOFH (Bastard Operator From Hell)