• 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023

Proposed Oregon Corporate Tax to fund resident $750 rebate headed to ballot.
Full bill text: https://sos.oregon.gov/admin/Documents/irr/2024/017text.pdf TLDR; Oregon corporate tax has a minimum rate of 1%. This ballot measure would raise it to 3% and give $750 to *each* Oregon resident (including children). Get ready for an Uber/Lyft level of corporate ads and media spamming to try to sink this common sense bill.

Shocked Pikachu face, they aren’t going to replace the carts even with overpriced simulacrum?

They’re trying to sell $1m+ penthouses. Ritz F&B is doing well, you think they want any competition?

It will come as a shock to many, but the decidedly Un-Portland brand Ritz, and a real estate developer who paid Portland to not have to have a portion of affordable housing in their building amidst a housing crisis and vacant downtown doesn’t give a FUCK about this city, its roots, people or what they buried.

There was lots of green washing on Reddit when Ritz opened saying it was good for downtown and the city need spark and lots of other bullshit.

More vacant, unobtainable living space in a downtown desperate for residents to bring it back to life.

Thanks for the support! I feel like even demonstrating at one store and growing from there would be a win.

To your comment, I’ve de-googled a lot in the past year as they clearly demonstrated some pretty messed up intentions and future direction starting last year with the inability to block ads and many other things. I have watched nascent white-collar tech pushback over the last 10 years as tech companies inevitably were taken over by slowing growth-need for constant growth-hiring bureaucrats rather than those looking to build something. Insane to think 25 years ago google’s motto was don’t be evil and we thought it possible they might fight against the structure of things in the US but it was all too inevitable with current law and lobbying. Whether journalists, video game employees, tech, tech consultants…everyone who has thought of themselves as “white collar” needs to quickly get onboard that they have 0 difference from a Starbucks or Amazon Warehouse or Tesla plant worker now and in the future.

Exactly the kind of thing I’m thinking of, lots of TJs shoppers are trying to not shop at some of the larger, well-known awful grocery megacorps. Or some signs, banner, etc. Not sure about leafletting/papering rules, or honestly even picketing–e.g. I’m sure they’d call the cops if we were in front of their store entrance which is likely private property so you’d have to be at the driveways where people are pulling in—which of course reduces your chance to talk/interact with people–as designed! Probably need some input from someone with union/strike/lockout advice on best practices & approaches.

Sad part is, of course, 100% of the store employees would be on board with the protest if of course it wouldn’t cost them their jobs to allow it.

Trader Joes Portland Area Boycott?
Proposing general boycott of Trader Joes. They have joined an unholy trinity of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Starbucks, because they've lost so hard in the past few years against workers forming unions (to push back against awful wages and lack of safety and terrible working conditions pronounced by COVID) that since they can't win fair in union elections under law that has been around for 90 years, want to dismantle the entire apparatus of the NLRB. If successful, their complaint and other arguments and conclusions that would follow, would lead to loss of labor power that would be strikingly similar to what happened when Trump was allowed to appoint 3 justices and upend the Supreme Court which quickly lead to Roe v. Wade being overturned. 40 hours a week then overtime? Probably deemed unfair to the profit rights of our poor megacorps. Discrimination protections at work? Struck down federally but states allowed to pass their own, for a while, then those would be overturned by SC when challenged. Those would be week 1. It's sad to see Trader Joes, who espouses lots of human values on its website becoming a mouthpiece for unfettered capitalist abuse of hourly workers. My boycott, as a 20-year shopper, starts today. I think there are lots of TJs shoppers who think of them as "not Kroger/Walmart/Safeway-Albertsons/etc." but honestly, by throwing in with Musk/Bezos/Starbucks they're no different. I feel like starting a picket at a store or two, then growing would build some shopper awareness, maybe earn some folks who want to get involved and build from there. Want to join?

Which is all the more evidence it’s not about making the city work better for its inhabitants, it’s about a revenue stream. Diverted traffic? Regressive costs for those most unable to avoid them? Corporate giveaway to the admin who runs tolling? What’s not to like?

Deeply supportive of reducing car trips but they rolled out a revenue stream under the guise of the environment and traffic with NO improvements to alternative infrastructure that would have enabled citizens to avoid them. So pay the toll or you can…take a bus 2 hours with a connection or 3? Take max who cut service during the pandemic and even then doesn’t run 24/7 at a usable rate due to catch 22 traffic and now safety issues that won’t be quickly fixed?

They would need to triple public transit services, availability, frequency, stops and invest in making transit work let alone not a punishment for those who would most be affected by tolling, to even begin to claim it wasn’t just a fucking cash grab. There aren’t even express MAX service, they’re all local still! Where are the express commuter bus service to the areas that would be most affected by tolling? How fucking regressive of a tax can you get?

Also, it would be administered by some Corp that would take 30% administrative off the top, fuck that we can do better.

Thanks for the view and insight. I remember growing up old folks complained about skateboards on sidewalks, then roller blades, etc. When they finally got it and cities and states started building facilities, suddenly no more problem. Agree with the narrator that giving space to do this could be good but I think part of it being cool/attractive to attendees is the illicitness, though that’s just conjecture. Probably the fact that it’s social and free is a big deal and helps attendees since the US has deliberately eliminated those spaces.

Portland Police Accountability Board suggests abandoning much of the accountability voters approved
Instead of addressing the issues with violence, abuse and lack of accountability in the Portland Police force, let's just abandon the voter-approved mechanisms to fix it.

After sexual misconduct rocked the sport and the city, Merrit Paulson decides to hire a replacement coach with a history of offensive remarks about and toward women. Boycott the asshats.
Paulson probably got his money to buy the team from Daddy, Hank "helicopter" Paulson who ensured wall street was bailed out to the tune of trillions in the great recession, somehow seems to think he's above the fans and culture of a city who don't want to have an asshole run (or own) their team. BOYCOTT the asshats.

Look up the Columbia Gorge; it’s a Fantasyland for hikers and is easy to access from NE Portland where the airport is.

Multnomah Falls is the big name and draw but there are absolutely buckets of little hikes to be had, many of which also have waterfalls if that’s your thing.


You’re incredibly lucky to live there, gotta be one of the most amazing places on earth other than COL.

Music is as subjective as photography but I always liked the shots in this music video of Vancouver and think the song is fun. https://youtu.be/z-ChuHPPk14?si=krDU4wHTnTArlpkB

For sure, definitely since they got the 2rd draft pick it was move up or move on for both parties.

Dame can’t possibly complain about his team talent and possibilities, though Mil is not south beach I see much more chance of him winning with Giannis than Miami.

Portland got a solid haul and can move on.

I’m sure you’re right at this point. Thorns too!

Of course everyone leaves small markets, if they don’t catch lightning in a bottle like Giannis or Jockic.

Blazer owners have the only major sports team (love soccer but MLS is still not yet on the tier in America, give Messi 5 years and maybe?) In the city, seats are full and they get a playoff round or two almost every year for minimal cost, they’re very profitable and accumulating value while they setup to sell in decades for the big payoff. Throw in some tax deductions for giving away free seats that would go unused otherwise for low demand games and laugh on your tax return. When “losing” is winning.

Damian Lillard traded
Whether you like basketball or not, the Damian Lillard trade today sees Portland lose a stalwart of class, low drama and accountability in a media age of pithy, immature sound bytes end egomaniacs. Personally wish the guy all the best in Milwaukee and will be rooting for the Bucks in the east!

We haven’t changed any of the inputs but have analyzed the outputs and things keep getting worse!

I was thinking about that too and couldn’t remember, didn’t Oregon pass a law about child support or was that somewhere else?

It’s not just Oregon, in the US pedestrians are absolutely disposable in a world where most folks get around by driving. Lawsuits pay but the rules don’t change.

Street racer who killed young mother at bus stop gets only 5 years prison time.
These man children playing with their toys and what is the punishment, only 5 years? The victim's child, who will now be 7 has no mother for the rest of his life. Here is the original story of the homicide https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/09/street-racer-gets-5-year-prison-sentence-in-crash-that-killed-26-year-old-woman-waiting-at-portland-bus-stop.html You'd get 5 years for trying to hold up a plaid pantry and not hurting anyone, but plow through a bus stop at godknowshowfast while street racing and cream a young mother and alter her child's life forever? 5 years. Appalling.

It comes down to what normally happens when something outgrows someone, and what were in right now is still denial stage–bureau leaders, city council, the mayor and employees all just wishing they could close Pandora’s box and go back 20 years.

City employees are humans like anyone else, but their jobs are different from most in that nearly everyone is there until retirement. This has benefits, and in the case when surrounded by a rapidly changing environment, disasterous consequences.

Think about workplaces you’ve worked, if you made it 5 years somewhere, you saw good and bad bosses come and go probably, same for co-workers. This change and refresh is healthy when it comes to disrupting past practices and bringing in new perspectives. This happens much less, it at all in the public sector. Same bosses, same co-workers, same ideas, or lack thereof.

So back to our city; you have the large organizations that are structured so you have people that are mostly used to doing the same thing with the same people. Public sector employees, because they are often organized, can’t just be fired on a whim like private sector is so thrilled about, which means you actually have to get buy in from employees to make change happen.

So you have pattern-based work, high threshold to enact change with employees and managers…neither of these is an environment where change will come naturally or easily. Between “who moved my cheese” and “make me” types, your work is cut out.

ALL of the above, come under the umbrella of Portland having been one of the fastest changing cities relative to its size in the country(demographics, industry) IN ADDITION to some of the macro changes our country is currently passing as kidney stones that all cities are dealing with (homelessness as a fallout of opioid epidemic, structurally broken housing development systems that can only build huge and expemsive housing, collapsing medical service capability, etc.). For city bureaus staffed by humans who are trained to color within narrow lines, who have little chance for fresh ideas or leadership within operative bureaus, who were already ovematched with Portland’s change to a mid-sized city in the first decade of the millenia, it is incredibly unsurprising that the city has continued to sink deeper and deeper under water.

He’s an utter tool and was clearly fucking it up his first administration, and obviously from my posting hasn’t deviated from that on his second go but Innarone was a panderer who wasn’t qualified to run a lemonade stand and would would have been so much worse.

Wheeler asks downtown business leaders to mandate on-site work at least half of week, and other insane commitments to existing broken structures in our "weird" city that clings to outdated norms.
Everyone knows the debate ended a few years ago for most companies and positions where it was possible, and leaders felt company performance was more important than their physical ego stroking. Wheeler is asking businesses to require people to do what most workers who can, don't want--mandate required office presence. I think we can all agree that different companies may enjoy a different balance of days and times for their operation to work...some might want 1, some 3, some zero, but requiring presence...what's behind it? As always, follow the money and interests entrenched in current downtown infrastructure and real estate: 1. commercial real estate (CRE). Its bleeding nation-wide, as are tax receipts for cities who sold out the core of their cities to developers over the past 100 years. City, read wheeler, only cares about his tax budget, not you or your life. Or your added commute costs, added time out of your life, added exposure to a problem the city helped create by allowing CRE to dominate cities so. Those could have been apartment buildings with mandated affordability...people could be experiencing WFH from downtown apartments en-masse, but the city made its bed and now wants you to sleep in it. 2. Another Oregon live [article](https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2023/08/portland-officials-plan-to-spend-millions-to-protect-citys-crime-plagued-parking-garages.html) today indicates the city is going to spend additional millions on additional security for the city's parking lots. Meanwhile, many past and present transit riders avoid transit now when possible as it's fucking filthy and unsafe. Where are the millions to make people want to use MAX or the Train? Public transit is much more affordable in most cases than owning and insuring a car, but it has to be safe and convenient--it's definitely not the first and often isn't the second thanks to item #1 above where our populace is spread out instead of densely concentrated in apartments. I thought Portland was all about reducing car trips? An "inner boundary" toll ala London was even floated in the last 10 years, yet we're going to spend additional millions to get folks to drive? Talk about a death rattle for the "progressive" city. What a joke, it's all about tax receipts from downtown businesses that Wheeler is worried will leave if people continue to avoid downtown. Both of these are breathlessly short-sighted and go against so much of the marketing bullshit Portland likes to paint on itself. Much like 08-09, instead of letting big bastard wall street tycoons and wealthy investors take the haircut on their shitty investments when they turned over, lap dog governments are propping them up instead. CRE should be allowed to crater, be razed, and build cities where people don't have to own a car if they don't want to. Holy crap insurance is usurious.

I found it weird geographic considerations came into play as much as they did and were moderated with complete subjectivity. I submitted a few threads on state or national issues that clearly would have an impact in portland as a way to have a discussion with r/portland and hear thoughts and opinions, had them removed because “not about Portland”. Also, it was obviously the biggest thread in the state so often nearby areas it made sense to post in r/portland as part of the metro area, yet mods would remove them. just insane for a “community”. Basically you could blind repost awful fucking Oregonian articles, KATU or pictures of douchebags driving on the waterfront but god forbid you stray from that.