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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Yeah, the fatalism is sad.

People lack both the knowledge to realize that different forms of society already existed (and do, currently), and imagination to realize that it’s possible to move towards a different and better form.

Ah, that’s just the point - the types of people have been around for awhile, but the institutions supporting them — backing militias, basically — have not.

I see, if you define government as “any collection of humans,” than yes, it’s always been extant.

What I meant, however, was a group of rulers that use force to compel others to do what they would otherwise not.

Written history is also a blip terms of the duration of the history of humanity, too. Something like 1%. We can access some of the rest via anthropology.

I’ll stop when capitalism and governments no longer exist.

(By government, I mean the institution of a group of rulers and attendant enforcement, used to compel others to do what they would otherwise not).