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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 01, 2023


About dynamic library loading, is rust really that much of a pain? If you don’t mangle the functions, then the ABI should be alright, no?

Also, you can support plugins using WASM. An option is wasmer. Then other languages can compile to WASM and the plugins can be loaded into your application.


The thing I repeat most often is: at least it’s not C++. Rust is the best systems programming language I’ve found. There’s no language that’s perfect for every usecase and ideally, I’d love to learn Haskell for prototyping, but it’s more academic than practical.

I think that’s normal for statically typed languages. You prototype and move quickly in dynamically typed language, then you can stabilize in a statically typed language.

You can still ship quickly and often in rust, it just depends on what you’re doing and of course who’s writing the code. I mean, look at the guys that made MakePad. It’s still a startup and they have made something quite impressive in Rust. Watch their presentation from this year.