• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


It has to get in there. If it’s rampant, it’s organized. If it’s overly organized, it is probably controlled by the guards. They are probably skimming.

Let’s be real, I would literally shit myself if I saw a damn cougar of all things there.

I got that feeling too. It was odd. And not the good Portland odd, just the weird neighbor odd.

Exactly. I’m in Tigard, which is about 10 minutes from SW Portland, and the Tigard sub had like maybe a post a month. So naturally I just followed the Portland sub.

Yeah, they started cracking down on a lot of random shit. I asked a question and the post got removed because asking questions was no longer allowed, you have to ask in askportland. Like, I get some of it, but it’s not exactly a super busy sub, so it’s probably going to be okay. Smh.